This conference ( is coming up and ngl, finding joy in #HigherEd is not easy and the road to #ReimagineTeaching is long. I look always to
#adriennemareebrown #ResmaaMenakem #KaiChengThom #ShawnGinwright, #BellHooks and so many others for inspiration and guidance. Thank you for blessing us with your light and joy.
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsive #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #JoyfulTeaching #ReimagineEducation @edutooters #EduTooter @edutooter #EduToot
#edutoot #edutooter #reimagineeducation #joyfulteaching #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsive #traumaresponsiveeducation #bellhooks #shawnginwright #KaiChengThom #resmaamenakem #adriennemareebrown #reimagineteaching #highered
Here we go! So many good thinkers and global doers in this room - two big ideas so far that are important to highlight "technical + social emotional skills = lifelong learning" & "Lifelong learning begins in Kindergarten"
#learning #education #edtech #reimagineeducation