Reinfection, immune evasion, and protection of residents in #LTC
This thread looks at multiple studies that help reveal why #SARS2 can #reinfect hosts and evade #immune response, #vaccine waning, and what protects residents in #Ontario #longtermcare and #retirement homes. 🧵 1/
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#ltc #SARS2 #reinfect #immune #vaccine #ontario #LongTermCare #retirement
and vaccine-induced immune responses after a breakthrough infection will probably differ from variant to variant.** see Mir Ben Feb7 post: 3 Feb 2022
ADDENDUM: DEFINE REINFECTION: "SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection is Preceded by Unique Biomarkers and Related to Initial Infection Timing and Severity" from 5JAN2023
DEFINE: BREAKTHROUGH (not done, really) see posts #breakthrough and #reinfect