Via @ccleighton “Important findings from Dr. Dawn Bowdish et al. Recent #SARSCoV2 infection deals a blow to immune responses among seniors:
Some seniors infected with #Omicron variants were more susceptible to #reinfection, not less: McMaster study”
#SarsCoV2 #omicron #reinfection
My takeaway is #reinfection one after the other b/c there will be marked differences between #variants to make any temporary immunity moot
Fashion season of the traveling band of vectors from all over the world (buyers, models, spectators etc) seeding their breathe all over NY to Europe hasn’t even begun yet
It’s going to be so very bad yet nearly nobody wears a mask
I’ve watched this video several times & it doesn’t ever get less interesting…
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidLingersLikeSmoke #CovidDamagesYourImmuneSystem #CovidDamagesYourBrain #CovidDamagesYourHeart #CovidDamagesYourKidneys #acceleratedAging #Reinfection #WearADamnMask
#CovidIsNotOver #covidlingerslikesmoke #coviddamagesyourimmunesystem #coviddamagesyourbrain #coviddamagesyourheart #coviddamagesyourkidneys #acceleratedaging #reinfection #WearADamnMask
@mathew1927 @fitterhappierAJ it is truly disconcerting to me all the soft-pedaling of truth I am forced into pretending irl b/c saying what I’d like to tell them is akin to a charlatan psychic (redundant I realize) saying they’ll meet a very premature demise very soon due to their🚫😷behavior
they all think I’m mental b/c in #NYC seeing a proper😷is beyond a rarity & so surely I must be the one that has something wrong w/them🙄🙄🙄
compound interest of #reinfection will guarantee 10 years impossible
Last week's report on COVID in wastewater. NY counties colored in blues are medium or low levels. Note please all five boroughs of New York City are at high levels. Please mask and face shield when appropriate.
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID #infection #reinfection #longCOVID #organ #damage #heart #brain #fog #wastewater #levels #high #MaskUp #face #shield #indoors #subway #NY #NYC #NewYorkCity
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID #infection #reinfection #LongCovid #organ #damage #heart #brain #fog #wastewater #levels #high #MaskUp #face #shield #indoors #subway #ny #nyc #newyorkcity
this is truly a #phenomenal #resource
This section has 35 great links #threads #CovidPapers about #TCells #immuneSystem
Many I’ve seen before, but to have it organized in one place is #priceless #gold
#airborneAIDS is extremely controversial, but think it’s apt
Can understand the anxiety of not wanting to accept #reinfection or infection of #SARS2 is fatal but it’s sheer stupidity to ignore🐘
This is why nobody likes me, & you know what, I really don’t care🖤🖤
#phenomenal #resource #threads #covidpapers #tcells #immunesystem #priceless #Gold #airborneaids #reinfection #SARS2
SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection and Severity of the Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis #CovidPapers
I’ve known since 1/2022 that there was zero difference in #sars2 severity pre-vaccine & post when my 2nd infection was identical to first
There’s a 15 month delay on proof b/c science is slow & by then it’s too late/nobody cares
#reinfection seem #mild these days b/c #viralPersistance constant exposure means your immune system is blasé
#covidpapers #SARS2 #reinfection #mild #viralpersistance
Les infections répétées par le Covid peuvent augmenter les risques pour les patients #étude #santé #covid19 #réinfection #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #reinfection #COVID19 #sante #etude
#COVID #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #corona #coronavirus #infection #reinfection
Are repeat COVID infections dangerous? What the science says
#COVID #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #corona #coronavirus #infection #reinfection “In people with #SARSCoV2 infection and at least one risk factor for progression to severe #covid19, compared with no treatment, #molnupiravir use within five days of infection was associated with reduced risk of #PASC in people who had not received a covid-19 #vaccine, had received one or two vaccine doses, and had received a #booster dose, and in those with primary SARS-CoV-2 infection and #reinfection.”
#SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #molnupiravir #PASC #Vaccine #booster #reinfection “In a cohort of #EssentialWorkers in the #UnitedStates previously infected with #SARSCoV2, risk factors for #reinfection included being #unvaccinated, #InfrequentMask use, time since first infection, and being non-Hispanic #Black. Protecting workers from reinfection requires a multipronged approach including up-to-date #vaccination, #mask use as recommended, and reduction in underlying #HealthDisparities.
#EssentialWorkers #unitedstates #SarsCoV2 #reinfection #unvaccinated #infrequentmask #black #vaccination #mask #healthdisparities
Breathe that fresh & mild Covid #sarscov2 in like a yoga class!
Deep inhale through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth.. preferably in a class with 20+ other people #herdImmunity #reinfection good!
in retrospect, been to maybe 2 in person yoga classes in early 2000’s & years before this debacle used DVD’s at home b/c #germaphobe forever & to know my instinct was correct…well that’s just priceless🖤
#sarscov2 #herdimmunity #reinfection #germaphobe h/t @donEford
this raging debate & this article is like arguing the pronunciation of 🍅/🥔…
what is most hilarious to me is many who argue against what is CLEARLY damage of organs & immune system post infection, have never had #sarscov2 themselves
let me put it this way…i would rather have HIV than constant #reinfection of #covid19 & #AIDS was for me growing up as a child of #reagan era… the scariest thing in the world
we have therapeutics for one & not for the other🖤
#sarscov2 #reinfection #covid19 #aids #reagan
this is my last rant for today i promise😂🤣🤞🏼
it’s a fascinating read from my perspective & my visual is of someone softly petting a🐰🐇 gently on the head saying “nice rabbit” before breaking its neck/🔪👀 #vibes
HOW DID THEY LEAVE OUT under “Immune System Boosters”
#dontcatchCovid especially multiple times🙄 #reinfection
call me a #conspiracyTheorist all you want this #gaslightingGalore is unbelievable; #BSL3 virus cannot be treated w/ less stress, exercise & diet🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
#vibes #dontcatchcovid #reinfection #conspiracytheorist #gaslightinggalore #bsl3
thoroughly convinced that cars are one of the top unsafest places to be in unless all the windows are fully open…& most people will balk at doing that #ugh
Would rather fly on a plane + go through airport check-in vs. taking a 20 minute car ride w/🚫😷driver
recently seeing so many cautious people who’ve never gotten #Covid getting it for first time
it’s as if #PH #corporations #government want us to accept the inevitability of #reinfection
#ugh #covid #PH #corporations #government #reinfection #questionauthority #iwontdowhatyoutellme
this #fact makes me pretty pleased.. 20% ain’t nothing
& we can make it grow #grassroots #covidIsNotOver #CovidIsNotACold #wearADamnRespirator #reinfection #XBB116 #sarscov2 #covid19
#fact #grassroots #CovidIsNotOver #covidisnotacold #wearadamnrespirator #reinfection #xbb116 #sarscov2 #covid19
@trendless @Rhyothemis
Michael Mina is predicting 50 yrs into the future for those who are 20 yrs old today having problems when they’re 70, but there is ZERO chance a 20 year old today in 2023 will live 50 years if they keep getting #reinfection
We are all David Bowie aging 65 years in a single afternoon like he did in The Hunger..
Has anyone noticed all the sudden gray hair everyone got over-night? #telomeres #scienceFacts
#reinfection #telomeres #sciencefacts #wearadamnrespirator
Also, if he thinks we are in a better place now in the #pandemic than we were before…
well then i have a bridge to sell you!
#acuteInfection isn’t the primary issue & also w/ prior #variants it took 10-15 minutes instead of.. 10-15 seconds #viralDose #inhalation
#reinfection is weakening #immuneSystem #tcells & destroying organs & #covid has mutated in 3 yrs MORE than #influenza in 15 years
I HAVE ZERO SCIENCE yet can fully understand this but #Osterholm is like “how did this happen to me?”🤦🏻♀️
#Pandemic #acuteinfection #variants #viraldose #inhalation #reinfection #immunesystem #tcells #covid #influenza #osterholm
idk what kind of world this is that I, no science girl, know more about threat of #sarscov2 than #ivyLeague MDs
IT TAKES <THAN 10 INHALATIONS TO CATCH #covid19 #reinfection
#hybridImmunity lasts about 2.5 months IF that
minimizing narrative is RIDICULOUS
#whatever #youDoYou i guess
#strokes #heartAttack #cardiacArrest #anosmia #dementia #telomereShortening #prematureAging #wearADamnRespirator #CovidIsNotOver not just #immunocompromised 🙄
h/t @TRyanGregory
#sarscov2 #ivyleague #covid19 #reinfection #hybridimmunity #whatever #youdoyou #strokes #heartattack #cardiacarrest #anosmia #dementia #telomereshortening #prematureaging #wearadamnrespirator #CovidIsNotOver #immunocompromised
💨 Sixth Time Worse Than Fifth! ☣️ 541 comments 🐉 *6th time positive with Covid. Each time is worse. 26 year old doctor (pretty much straight out of med school).* (LLong13) 🧬👀 #longcovidlonghaulers 🛺 #reinfection 🧬 #omicronvariant #rebound #covid19virustransmission 🌊 #immunity #vaccine
#longcovidlonghaulers #reinfection #omicronvariant #rebound #covid19virustransmission #immunity #vaccine