I am lucky enough that my #ERC starting grant proposal #ReinforceBG was funded. In the coming five years our group will study neural #reinforcement with #dopamine and invasive #dopamine in #Parkinson disease.
#ERCStG #deepbrainstimulation #ChariteBerlin #BrainComputerInterface
#erc #reinforcebg #reinforcement #dopamine #Parkinson #ercstg #deepbrainstimulation #ChariteBerlin #BrainComputerInterface
RT @neumann_wj
I have been awarded an @ERC_Research starting grant to study neural reinforcement in #parkinson with invasive #neuromodulation.
Hypothesis: Understanding basal ganglia reinforcement is key to restore neural dynamics in PD /w DBS.
@ICNeuromodulate @ChariteBerlin https://twitter.com/ERC_Research/status/1595009233493577728
#reinforcebg #neuromodulation #parkinson