Had a few hours to kill in Indiana and found this amazing cafe near Valparaiso. Perfect spot to start work on my AWS re:Invent workshop.
Apparently I'm attending my first AWS re:Invent this year. 🥳
I've been a faithful watcher of @Quinnypig's videos from there but I would gladly take any tips from any of you about how to survive the week. 🥵
It looks like the venue is basically *the whole Vegas strip.* 👀
Amazon ECRに「プルスルーキャッシュリポジトリ」機能が追加されました #reinvent | DevelopersIO https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/ecr-pull-through-cache-repositories/
they really are out here #wasting #gold, #copper, #pcb, and all sorts of #tech #resources just to #overcomplicate and #Reinvent the #Window
#wasting #gold #copper #pcb #tech #resources #overcomplicate #reinvent #window
Had a blast tuning in to @Quinnypig on Twitch for AWS at KubeCon this morning! 😂 By the way, someone mentioned "ClickOps" and it reminded me of a hilarious photo from the last reInvent 😄 #AWS #KubeCon #CloudNativeCon #Twitch #ClickOps #ReInvent #FunnyPhoto 📸😄
#aws #kubecon #cloudnativecon #twitch #clickops #reinvent #funnyphoto
Reinvent brings together world-leading experts from different fields to provide a radical shift in how we see the future of the planet.
Register: https://t.co/Bg78q8qWAV
#Reinvent #Transformation #Socialchange #Climatejustice #Activism #Future #Changetheworld #Community https://t.co/g0IakKUe49
#reinvent #transformation #socialchange #climatejustice #activism #future #changetheworld #community
これでHacker NewsのRSSを日本語に翻訳してInoreaderで読めないかなー?
AWSの英語RSSをAmazon Translateで翻訳してSlack通知し、re:Invent2022のアップデートラッシュに備えるBotを作成しました #reInvent | DevelopersIO
I'm still running across interesting releases from #AWS #reInvent 2022 a few months later - this one (VPC Lattice) looks to be for inter-service comms what Cloud WAN is for inter-region and inter-facility comms. I don't think I've seen anything from @Quinnypig on it yet, but I might also have just missed it ... https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/introducing-vpc-lattice-simplify-networking-for-service-to-service-communication-preview/
#Sustainability #Cloud An overdue blog post listing all the #AWS #reinvent videos that I could find. I watched most of them and added some comments. https://adrianco.medium.com/sustainability-at-aws-re-invent-2022-all-the-talks-and-videos-i-could-find-d0a19a0a1b86
#sustainability #cloud #aws #reinvent
This Thursday I'll be talking at the Serverless meetup Melbourne, where I'll be going over the fun new serverless toys we got at #reinvent in December. https://meetu.ps/e/LMtc6/kYZLW/i
My second official #SlightReliability blog, focusing on my #SRE takeaways from #reinvent. I explore serverless, observability data lakes, topologies (technology maps), FinOps, and more. Oh, and lots of #mspaint art! https://squaredup.com/blog/slight-reliability/sre-trends-from-reinvent-2022/
#SlightReliability #sre #reinvent #mspaint
@ankurkumar I need to finish my blog post on #reinvent #sustainability - still have a few videos to watch…
I finally had time to summarize key takeaways from AWS reInvent 2022 from an architect's perspective.
If you also attended AWS reInvent, share your experience as well.
[ばばさん通信ダイジェスト] 賛否関わらず話題になった/なりそうなものを共有しています。
[2022年最新版]Lambdaの裏側教えます!!A closer look at AWS Lambda (SVS404-R) #reinvent
AWS #reInvent 2022 – is #AWS :aws_logo: OK? by @ned1313
Spoiler: Ned doesn't follow Betteridge's law of headlines, the answer here is yes.
#AWS #reinvent #sustainability There's lots of focus on carbon measurement but not enough people thinking about Climate Risk. It's an important topic. I helped Ana Pinheiro-Privette (amazonsdi.com) to get Amazon to join os-climate.org and ran the relationship until I left. This video is an excellent talk on the subject, starting 32m in. https://youtu.be/yNOR5jwFrvc?t=1906
#aws #reinvent #sustainability
Finally watched the #aws #reinvent for #eventbridge pipes. Gui seems OK, but feels like it could just be another cdk construct not a new service. No code moniker is wrong - YADSL.
How many of aws services should be constructs + debug/edit UI and not new services? Quite a lot. Opportunity to rationalise is huge.
#AWS #reinvent #sustainability Almost every company has buildings and they are a big part of the carbon footprint globally. Here's a good talk on the subject - How Amazon uses AWS IoT to improve sustainability across its buildings (IOT204) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPdmIOpdsRw
#aws #reinvent #sustainability