The door-in-the-face technique is another persuasion tactic that relies on the commitment and consistency principle.
It works by making a large request that is likely to be rejected, and then following up with a smaller request that is more likely to be accepted.
#commitment #rejected #follow
#jerrymgallegos #jaygallegos #post #createitsearchit #love
#commitment #rejected #follow #jerrymgallegos #jaygallegos #post #createitsearchit #love #mysearchfoundit
we sent this candidate a code test and he copy pasted the last submission from someone who actually did the work to the repository as his own work without changing anything
#Poets #rejected from top #poetry job in UK. Not that it makes me feel better; and not that I’m in great company (since I will never be in the running). But I guess it’s kinda like when my father’s nuclear science cousin was passed over for the Nobel.
True story.
@FinchHaven @mattblaze @tmcfarlane
He didn't ask you to fawn over him. He just #rejected your #unsolicited, unwanted, unhelpful, and unashamed criticism of him publicly talking about his artwork.
Many of us actually *enjoy* what he has to say.
And if you don't, then do please mash the living fuck out of that #unsubscribe button.
#rejected #unsolicited #unsubscribe
#ProtonVPN is acting very strange, It works fine for a few hours (sometimes less) then start to put up #alerts; "Connection_Server" mostly?? Then it logs out and asks for my #password, That's always #rejected, Even after a #logout and #restart!?!? I've #reinstalled it multiple times and it keeps happening??!! Any ideas?? @protonvpn
#protonvpn #alerts #password #rejected #logout #restart #reinstalled
#TimeIsNow #GROWTheGame #GrowRugbyLeague #RugbyLeague #RLFamily #SuperLeague #NRL #NARL #RFL #IRL #FFR #USARL #PDRL #RLIF #RLWC2021 #RespectTheREF
#respecttheref #RLWC2021 #rlif #pdrl #usarl #ffr #irl #RFL #narl #nrl #SuperLeague #rlfamily #rugbyleague #growrugbyleague #growthegame #timeisnow #Salford #rejected #Dupree #amor #kenny
today's random #tiktok:
believe it or not, I'm not being sarcastic or mean in any way. I am VERY familiar from my own lifetime of being #rejected and am I can tell you is, if you're struggling to find people to date, it's because of your attitude, not your looks. there are people out there ready to love and appreciate you, but you have to stop falling into #confirmationBias that leads you to expect the worst of them. I say this with complete honesty: whoever you are, you have worth, you are deserving of love. good luck. ❤️
#datingadvice #advicefromwomen #howtodate #relationshipAdvice #howToApproachWomen #dating #bullying #selfConfidence #shallow #hotornot #HowToMakeFriends
#tiktok #rejected #confirmationbias #datingadvice #advicefromwomen #howtodate #relationshipadvice #howtoapproachwomen #dating #bullying #selfconfidence #shallow #hotornot #howtomakefriends
South Korean Court Denies Arrest Warrant for Terraform Co-Founder Daniel Shin - A court in South Korea has again denied the arrest warrant for Daniel Shin, a co-f... - #prosecutorsoffice #arrestwarrant #terraformlabs #southkorean #co-founder #danielshin #montenegro #southkorea #terraform #rejected #terrausd #founder #arrest #denied #dokwon #court #news #luna #u.s.
#u #luna #news #court #dokwon #denied #arrest #founder #terrausd #rejected #terraform #southkorea #montenegro #danielshin #co #southkorean #terraformlabs #arrestwarrant #prosecutorsoffice
'Well, thanks for the chat.' I wave to the fusty faeries, swoop out the door & land on Gabe's halo.
'You seem happy,Pixie. Does this mean... good news?'
'Nah. Appeal #rejected. But on the bright side, I get to stay with you.'
Gabe's so pleased, he looks like he might cry.
#vss365 #writingcommunity
#rejected #vss365 #writingcommunity
#rejected #vss365 yes to go log vouchsafe bloviate win bite stew chew clue client feisty dead sew doe ellipse collapse happen clap hangnail whitlow wilt still quiet quite mint vent tent bent lent lentil pent up sent away playdough playdate pilot topple dot dote potent pollen panel slot sloth sold stolen loosen busk bunch lunch dunce mince wince twice nice flick flint infant infinitesimal seem skim sublime sundial pundit dump pummel gum glum gloom and doom should would could poultice cite citatio
On a whim, I had stopped at Oishi!
Mary took a piece of sushi and chewed it thoughtfully. She smiled at me & said, "It good! What pink stuff?"
"That's pickled ginger. It adds a different taste."
She tried a slice & made a thoughtful face.
She saw me smearing wasabi on my piece of sushi.
"What green stuff?"
"That's wasabi. It has a strong taste."
She put a little on a piece of sushi & then choked, strangling. She #rejected it & spat it all over the floor.
"You try poison me!"
#BlackVeterans were more likely to be #DeniedBenefits for #PostTraumaticStressDisorder than their #WhiteCounterparts - according to a newly surfaced 2017 #internal #VeteransAffairs #report .
#Analysis that crunched #data from the #FiscalYear 2011 through 2016 showed that #Black #veterans who are seeking #disability #benefits for #PTSD were #rejected 57% of the time, compared to 43% for white veterans.
#SystematicRacism #BlackAmericans #Inequity #Racism #Discrimination
#blackveterans #deniedbenefits #posttraumaticstressdisorder #whitecounterparts #internal #veteransaffairs #report #analysis #data #fiscalyear #black #veterans #disability #benefits #ptsd #rejected #SystematicRacism #blackamericans #inequity #racism #discrimination
A pitch for a kid’s show that never came to life. It’s always oddly fun to look back on rejected pitches. I still feel the energy in this.
#pitch #Animated #cutedog #styleframe #rejected #development #filmmaking
#pitch #Animated #cutedog #styleframe #rejected #development #filmmaking
A Medium publication for stories that got rejected by another publisher. 😂
#writers #submissions #rejected
#rejected by #NYT #SpellingBee as #notAWord but it #IsAWord #pitty #glinty and (from an earlier game) #tuple plus rejected but #shouldBeAWord (meaning "putting the dots on your letters" or "the collection of dots on the letters") #tittling
#rejected #nyt #spellingbee #notaword #isaword #pitty #glinty #shouldbeaword #tittling #wordsthatarent #onlinegame #nytimes #tuple