The momentum behind #RejoinEU grows by the day. My question is, do we have to take them back?
Check out the latest Brexitometer from our friends in Cumbria!
On Saturday they asked the people of Carlisle how Brexit was going- here are the results 📲⤵️
Seven years ago, the UK exacted a self-inflicted wound from which it’s never recovered. In the years since, I’ve vented and fumed, only to see us continue regardless on a crash course towards economic oblivion while being led by donkeys. Please, let’s collectively admit it was a ridiculous decision and do something rational for a change by holding another referendum so that we can undo the damage that’s already been done. #RejoinEU
@lorddarcy Those three statements are absolutely correct. But #RejoinEU cannot happen until we resolve the current instability in British politics, and the fractured sense of identities that embodies the "United" Kingdom.
I still blame Labour for cocking up devolution in the 90s which I think gave opportunities for the Brexiteers and their shady backers.
Really great video here by @timothydsnyder on misperceptions about what the EU means for sovereignty.
(Skip to 12:50 for probably the most succinct point)
Good Morning
Here is the latest mood from
#GTTO #GeneralElectionNow #SavetheNHS #RejoinEU #Brexitshambles #ISupporttheStrikes #toriesout262 #RefugeesWelcome
Sport on the half hour.
#gtto #generalelectionnow #savethenhs #rejoineu #brexitshambles #isupportthestrikes #toriesout262 #refugeeswelcome
Well this sums up how the Tories not only do not care, but are not capable of organising a piss up in a brewery.
How poignant is this headline.
#toriesout #gtto #brexit #rejoineu
#Brexit #GTTO #ToriesOut #NHS #Environment #RejoinEU #Corrupt
Trickle down policy, privatisation & capitalisation.
Brexit was then the Tory next step in extremism. It only works for around 5% of the population
#brexit #gtto #toriesout #nhs #environment #rejoineu #corrupt
#Brexit #RejoinEU #GTTO ##ToriesOut #NHS
See UK through the eyes of french in-laws
#brexit #rejoineu #gtto #toriesout #nhs
#Brexit #RejoinEU #ToriesOut #GTTO
Impressive figure & very indicative of the country's mood
Brexit has failed everyone
Time to rejoin
#brexit #rejoineu #toriesout #gtto
#Brexit #GTTO #NHS #RejoinEU #ToriesOut
We aim at the eventual participation
of all European peoples
Whose society and way of life are not
in disaccord with a charter of
human rights and the sincere expression of
free democracy
#brexit #gtto #nhs #rejoineu #toriesout
Orient Express to axe UK section after 41 years due to Brexit | Rail travel | The Guardian
Happy to Remoan for as long as I have to.
#FBPE #RejoinEu #Brexitshambles #Remoaner Tees by
#fbpe #rejoineu #brexitshambles #remoaner
RT @nickreeves9876
The art of Brexterity: the vandalism of one of the UK’s most profitable sectors
The creative industries were worth more than aerospace, car manufacturing, life sciences, and oil and gas together. Brexterity cripples them.
Well I dunno about you, but I've had enough. Let's just stop fuckin' about and REJOIN!
#Brejoin #RejoinEU #Brexitshambles #FBPE Tees by Sillytees
#brejoin #rejoineu #brexitshambles #fbpe
The we didn't vote for this brigade
One for the Teenagers (and the Remoaners) #Remoan #RejoinEU #GTTO #FBPE Tees by Sillytees
BREXITERS: You're only making it worse for yourself!
ME: Making it worse?! How could it be worse?! Remoaner! Remoaner! Remoaner!
#RejoinEU #BrexitShambles #DoverDelays #GTTO
#rejoineu #brexitshambles #doverdelays #gtto