Fucking O'Brien. I go through stages with him but gave up again recently. If you can find any intent to do anything positive in between the self-promotion and repeating his clever catchphrases every 5 mins, you're a better person than me.
After *years* of raging about Brexit, he has one of the organisers of the #RejoinMarch on yesterday. His response: "oh, is there really any point in that?"
Yes there is! Sorry it might interrupt your book tour to come along you smug twat. #LBC #FFS
Thank you @ClareHallUK
fantastic photos of the #NationalRejoinMarch
"Check out these AMAZING photos of the National Rejoin March by talented Simone Rudolphi"
#RejoinEU #rejoinmarch #marchforrejoin #BrexitRecession #Brexit
If you were there, I bet you spot yourself!
View and/or purchase prints from here now:👇
#NationalRejoinMarch #RejoinEU #rejoinmarch #marchforrejoin #brexitrecession #brexit
@ClareHallUK #RejoinEU #rejoinmarch #marchforrejoin #BrexitRecession #Brexit
#RejoinEU #rejoinmarch #marchforrejoin #brexitrecession #brexit
Check out these AMAZING photos of the National Rejoin March by talented Simone Rudolphi.
If you were there, I bet you spot yourself!
View and/or purchase prints from here now:
#RejoinEU #rejoinmarch #marchforrejoin #BrexitRecession #Brexit
#brexit #brexitrecession #MarchForRejoin #rejoinmarch #RejoinEU
RT @riotgrandma72@twitter.com
🇪🇺@leedrizzle@twitter.com @ClareHallUK@twitter.com
Thank you both or a wonderful first of many #RejoinMarch .
The organisation was brilliant ~ we gave up on the last march coz we are elderly and it took too long to start.
We liked the little ‘entertainment’ spots on the way.
Really impressed with you!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/riotgrandma72/status/1583855698701848577
RT @JoelBaccas@twitter.com
.@guyverhofstadt@twitter.com was one of the speakers at the #RejoinMarch.#UK is missed.
#Brexit does not benefit anyone
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JoelBaccas/status/1583854116190621698
RT @KateBatt1@twitter.com
Can all those Rejoiners not able to attend the march today, please retweet everything #RejoinMarch to get it trending.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KateBatt1/status/1583768568822308864
RT @mjtward19@twitter.com
Good evening @BBCNews@twitter.com and @SkyNews@twitter.com. While you are frothing over whats his name, there was a massive march in London which I thought might be prudent to report. Presumably you were told not to!! #RejoinEU #RejoinMarch
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mjtward19/status/1583893556392910849
RT @snb19692@twitter.com
Just met one of my heroes + the other 50,000 other heroes that came from all over the UK and the EU. Huge thank you to all that came and to those that couldn’t make it, that watched online. #RejoinMarch