Optimal antipsychotic dosing in first-episode schizophrenia: how much is too little, too much, or just right? https://www.nationalelfservice.net/?p=167899
Joe Pierre reports on the first published study exploring the relationship between antipsychotic dose and risk of relapse in first episode schizophrenia, which suggests that standard antipsychotic dosing is best for relapse prevention. #Antipsychotics #OptimalDose #Schizophrenia #FirstEpisodeSchizophrenia #RelapsePrevention
#antipsychotics #optimaldose #schizophrenia #firstepisodeschizophrenia #relapseprevention
RT @uofleatlab
We have ONE spot remaining in this paid online #eatingdisorder relapse prevention treatment study! Reach out to fedfstudy@gmail.com for more information! #eatingdisorderawarenessweek #EDAW2023 #relapseprevention https://twitter.com/uofleatlab/status/1600258350893043712
#eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderawarenessweek #edaw2023 #relapseprevention