“I've been projected into your memory. We're not on the street, not really. We're in your mind. They can't track us in here.” ~ Sydney Barrett
#the #only #show #that #jeremythompson #relates #to #is #legion #please #dont #acknowledge #these #hashtags #in #any #way #shape #or #form #theyre #watching #us
#the #only #show #that #jeremythompson #relates #to #is #legion #please #dont #acknowledge #these #hashtags #in #any #way #shape #or #form #theyre #watching #us
"Intuition is the best instrument of any filmmaker; of anyone, on the other hand. It is the combined thought and feeling" D.L
Histoire du cinéma. Jean-Luc Godard. 1988-1998.
#Histoireducinéma #8parts #chronicling #cinematography #genre #classic #8parts #Documentary #image #JeanLucGodard #JeanPierreGos #AlainCuny #photography #dailypic #JulietteBinoche #SabineAzéma #Canal+ #France3 #concept #SergeDaney #history #realfacts #JulieDelpy #relates
#histoireducinema #8parts #chronicling #cinematography #genre #classic #documentary #image #jeanlucgodard #jeanpierregos #alaincuny #photography #dailypic #juliettebinoche #sabineazema #canal #france3 #concept #SergeDaney #history #realfacts #juliedelpy #relates