Sam Butler · @sambutlerUS
244 followers · 220 posts · Server

What do you all think about low-data / low-energy ways to implement replies to messages in a relational database, that are resilient long-term? You can see the app in question here: (and code here:

The app currently gets all messages from the database, returns them as HTML, and caches them in localStorage. On subsequent page loads, it gets messages from localStorage first and then only checks the database for newer messages.

Thinking about how to implement replies on top of this this (also, welcoming input on the overall architecture as well).

Hacker News/Reddit nested replies is what's coming to mind, for informational architecture at least? I don't know how heavy it is to implement finding all the replies at each nested level and then rendering them in HTML. Probably much simpler technically with Twitter/Mastodon style (no nesting display), but kind of feels like nesting is the right direction for informational longevity (which is part of the idea)? Then again, not necessarily assuming that nesting a la HN/Reddit nesting always leads to better discussions.

What do you all think?

@scanlime @hydroponictrash @trashrobot @becomethewaifu @pikselkraft @alive @wwahammy @rzr @milo_bytes @yhancik @nolwennm @joachim @aral

#database #tech #backend #webdev #html #htmx #ux #design #architecture #postgres #relational #permacomputing #socialmedia #socialnetwork #indieweb #sql #fullstack #networking #computers #it

Last updated 1 year ago

Dezene Huber 🌻 · @dezene
1247 followers · 1441 posts · Server

Always nice to highlight a success story. Or at least the start of what is hopefully a longterm .

were only identified as a new genus in 2005. The animals were/are threatened by and - interactions. Both issues require conservation management in coordination with local .


#conservation #success #kipunji #habitat #degradation #human #wildlife #relational #stakeholders

Last updated 1 year ago

JMLR · @jmlr
662 followers · 224 posts · Server

'Knowledge Hypergraph Embedding Meets Relational Algebra', by Bahare Fatemi, Perouz Taslakian, David Vazquez, David Poole.

#relational #hypergraph #relations

Last updated 1 year ago

Hari Tulsidas :verified: · @haritulsidas
35 followers · 247 posts · Server

A new theory suggests that physical reality is nothing but quantum mirrors. The theory, proposed by physicist Carlo Rovelli, challenges the classical view of the world as made of independent objects. Instead, it proposes that reality is relational, meaning that everything is defined by its interactions with other things.

#reality #quantum #relational

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
653 followers · 471 posts · Server

If you really think that using the word "" is , please watch this video:

To summarize (poorly), the is beginning to recognize that the , as diagnoses, do those to whom they are applied more harm than good. Most will never see a , and they'll never be with . The people who are diagnosed with NPD are , and it's possible they need a second opinion.

But the ? It's calling from inside the house.

Because if you're still convinced that saying "" is ableist, then rather than shouting "ableist" at the top of your lungs to people who are (and in some cases present ) of people who engage in narcissistic , are the most likely to take your words seriously. They are the most likely to experience worse as a result of your disempowering them and silencing them.

Instead of survivors, try to consider what words may be used instead of narcissism. It's not correct to say that "narcissistic abuse" is the same as abuse. Narcissistic abuse may be a form of emotional abuse, but its insidiousness goes far beyond what most people who experience emotional abuse ever experience.

A lot of people who think of "narcissism" as an ableist term will eagerly call its users ableist without offering any alternative words that will allow them to speak about their specific type of suffering. So let Dr. do the work for you: Consider sharing the term " " or, in lieu of "narcissistic abuse," antagonistic abuse, with those who you might otherwise re- with your careless .

Because silencing the survivors of abuse, many of whom have from living with narcissistic (or antagonistic) persons, is the real ableism.

#narcissism #ableist #research #personality #disorders #narcissists #therapist #diagnosed #npd #vulnerable #ableism #narcissistic #survivors #victims #behaviors #abuse #silencing #emotional #ramani #antagonistic #relationship #style #relational #traumatize #social #justice #barbarism #ptsd #psychology #socialjustice #mentalhealth #stigma

Last updated 2 years ago

New Submissions to TMLR · @tmlrsub
164 followers · 442 posts · Server

INTEGRATE: Distance based Graph Convolutional Networks for Statistical Relational Learning

#relational #relations #adjacency

Last updated 2 years ago

Christophe Rigon · @ki_cog
19 followers · 381 posts · Server


I agree. But in fact things are a little more complex: there is a co-determination between the theorical dimension and the empirical/experimental dimension, meaning that theories are also attentional grids and that you can only find what you are looking for.

So science doesn't really describe nature per se, but more the relation we have with nature.

#relational #Science #epistemology

Last updated 2 years ago

Sabaheta Ramčilović-Suominen · @JustSaba
413 followers · 237 posts · Server

📢CfP: With @EhrnstromMaria we are organising a session at the conf. Inviting contributions on:
- , , post and approaches to &
- , , and approaches.

To apply, find our session: "Just and Relational, Decolonial and Postgrowth Transformations" and send us an abstract:

#ssd2023 #anticapitalist #anticolonial #degrowth #transformations #posthuman #multispecies #relational #ontological

Last updated 2 years ago

Gleb Otochkin · @sky_vst
23 followers · 19 posts · Server

RT @derek_downey
Augmenting databases with cache like is useful. But what if you need your data across regions, or even around the world? Checkout out how and Redis can help you achieve this scalability.

#relational #redis #CloudSpanner

Last updated 2 years ago

Nam Henderson · @namhenderson
29 followers · 157 posts · Server

"Rocks are always on the move, more plastic than we think, but rhythms are slow. This is lithic time and space. Is a deeper, more long-term, in-depth geophilia possible – of motions unmeasured, abiding and supporting – more like the love of a parent for a child? And yet, indifference is commonly held by humans towards more-than-human stone...What kinds of rock love are possible" re: et. al.

#relational #nonhumannature #deeptime

Last updated 2 years ago

Sabaheta Ramčilović-Suominen · @JustSaba
369 followers · 197 posts · Server

Endorsing the efforts of ‘hegemony replacing’ theories&approaches to call out the present system’s destructive dynamics, we critique the bloc’s bias to biophysical aspects, & flattening of the & that play a key role in interpreting the biophysical. (6/9)

#relational #experiencial

Last updated 2 years ago

lynden_ly · @Lynden
64 followers · 96 posts · Server

Gillian Wearing, from the series 'Signs that say what you want them to say and not Signs that say what someone else wants you to say,' 1992-1993.

© Gillian Wearing, courtesy Maureen Paley/ Interim Art, London.

Wearing stopped random passersby in London, inviting them to write their thoughts on a card before photographing them.

#artmustgrow #MastoArt #womensart #contemporaryart #art #relational #sociallyengaged #signs #protest #identity #streetphotography #photography

Last updated 2 years ago

Cheatography · @cheatography
3 followers · 87 posts · Server

Just released: Bases de datos relacionales Cheat Sheet by asourv

Download it free at

Here's their description of it: Resumen de características de las bases de datos relacionales


#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #databases #relational

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsten Millar · @KirstenAnne
79 followers · 317 posts · Server

Terry Real was featured in a New York Times article in June about normal marital hatred. Highly recommend his books and insights.

“People talk about the American dream, in which your kids have a better life than you do. And we always think about it materialistically. But I think about it psychologically and spiritually — changing the legacy of how you were raised and handing your kids a new default that is kinder and more humane and wiser.”

#harmonydisharmonyrepair #therapy #relational

Last updated 2 years ago

Kirsten Millar · @KirstenAnne
69 followers · 171 posts · Server

Terry Real is featured in a New York Times article today about normal marital hatred. Highly recommend his books and insights.

“People talk about the American dream, in which your kids have a better life than you do. And we always think about it materialistically. But I think about it psychologically and spiritually — changing the legacy of how you were raised and handing your kids a new default that is kinder and more humane and wiser.”

#harmonydisharmonyrepair #therapy #relational

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad L 🇺🇦🦀 · @vladimir_lu
80 followers · 288 posts · Server

Introducing the “fallen Christmas tree operator” >>: 🎄😅

#functionalscala #relational

Last updated 2 years ago

Anna Sofia Salonen · @as_sAlone
81 followers · 15 posts · Server

Together with Anne Birgitta Pessi, we analysed best-selling books in Finland to ask how these books represent humans as beings and how the notions of and relate to this. Self-help books are often portrayed as deeply individualistic, but we found that intersubjectivity also has a role. The books present spirituality in a positive light. Institutional religion is seen as a threat to well-being and intersubjectivity.

#selfhelp #relational #religion #spirituality

Last updated 2 years ago

Rense Nieuwenhuis · @rense
462 followers · 17 posts · Server

I think that the relevance of this paper for theory and policy is twofold.

In terms of , the findings are in line with the work challenging that poverty is mostly related to the individual characteristics of the poor. Instead, poverty is .

cannot be solely explained by reference to individuals’ own "socioeconomic background, composition, and "policy context, but also requires reference to the activity and composition of other households in society.

#theory #relational #poverty #family #economic

Last updated 2 years ago

Jane Finlay · @jfinlay
2 followers · 3 posts · Server

@AbelTM @garymarcus I can see that. I don't know Bengio's approach in full detail.
But, Laird's approach has been that of integration - as computational systems mature, he attempts to bring them into the

For instance, we are current studying what it means to connect (theoretically and systematically) models in visual reasoning with similar to what a would use.

#CognitiveArchitecture #cv #transformer #cognitive #relational #representations #aiplanner

Last updated 2 years ago