My recent paper on #LTLf #logic and #TemporalModelMining through #RelationalAlgebra for temporal reasoning is out:
Interesting applications involve #CyberSecurity #Industry40 and #eHealth
If you are in #NewcastleUponTyne, I'm going to present both #KnoBAB and the general topic of #BusinessProcessManagement in next week's North East Data Scientists #MeetUp: See you there!
#meetup #BusinessProcessManagement #knobab #newcastleupontyne #ehealth #industry40 #cybersecurity #relationalalgebra #temporalmodelmining #logic #ltlf
I'm not only a Bash guy: I really like databases too!
If you need a formal introduction to relational algebra here is a presentation on the topic by the great Pr. Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Pay special attention to:
- pp11-14 describing the product ("CROSS JOIN" in SQL) theta-join ("JOIN ... USING" or "JOIN ... ON" in SQL)
- pp29-31 explaining the core difference between genuine relational algebra and SQL (set vs. bag algebra)
#relationalalgebra #sql #databases