Forgot to share my latest blog post here:
#ReligiousTrauma #relationshipabuse #manipulation #healing
Forgot to share my latest blog post here:
#ReligiousTrauma #relationshipabuse #healing
#Haiku #RelationshipAbuse #TraumaTrigger
If I wanted to
Keep being ignored, I could
Have just stayed married.
#haiku #relationshipabuse #traumatrigger
#Haiku #Trauma #RelationshipAbuse
Ah yes, just who I
Want to see after triggers:
My #narcissist ex.
#haiku #trauma #relationshipabuse #narcissist
I hate #RelationshipAbuse and #TraumaTriggers and the ways they make me misinterpret things. That is all.
#relationshipabuse #traumatriggers
#Haiku #trauma #RelationshipAbuse
Radio silence
Feels like abandonment; I
Try not to let it.
#haiku #trauma #relationshipabuse
A #Haiku for my New Year:
I have had enough
Grief from trauma, ready for
My new future now
I finally feel like I’ve turned a page in my recovery from #RelationshipAbuse and am ready to move forward. Trying to leave all of that crap behind in old year.
Friends, please share advice and insight related to #publishing and #selfpublishing #poetry. I wrote a book of #poems about #RelationshipAbuse and I want to publish it this year. Thanks for your help!
#publishing #selfpublishing #poetry #poems #relationshipabuse
Thanks @aethelshane for the #affirmation #haiku #prompt:
I survived this year
I will survive next year too
And I will also thrive
#affirmation #haiku #prompt #breastcancer #relationshipabuse #survivor
#introduction I’m a #PhD researcher at #cardiffuni working on #FE #furthereducation #RSE #Relationships #Relationshipabuse Interested in Welsh RSE policy. #ESRC
#esrc #relationshipabuse #relationships #rse #furthereducation #fe #cardiffuni #phd #introduction