So langsam bekomme ich ne Idee warum ich so den Hass kriege, wenn mir random Menschen auf Datingseiten schreiben, dass sie mich "kennenlernen" wollen.
In meiner kleinen Welt ist es schlechter Stil die Bedeutung von Worten nicht abzugleichen oder einseitige Annahmen darüber zu treffen was man in einer Beziehung so tut. Mich "kennenlernen" wird je nach Ziel Wochen und Monate dauern und "Ein wildfremder Mensch interessiert sich für mich" rechtfertigt das Zeitinvestment nicht.
#polyamorie #relationshipanarchy
Hey 🐘, I'm feeling better than I have in months. Might start posting again.
Likely topics include #LanguageLearning (#Kurdish), #Rojava, #Programming, #Covid, #RelationshipAnarchy
#languagelearning #kurdish #Rojava #programming #covid #relationshipanarchy
Anarchism isn't just about opposing social hierarchies like the state and capital. It is also about opposing hierarchies in our interpersonal relationships.
#RelationshipAnarchy is a model of #EthicalNonMonogamy in which hierarchy within relationships is abolished. Everyone is equal, regardless of type of relationship. It is centred around personal freedom and autonomy.
#relationshipanarchy #ethicalnonmonogamy
kitchen table/egalitarian polyamory is a popular goal that can't in my experience be reached.
relationship anarchy makes so much more sense to me. give me someone who enthusiastically chooses every day to be with me over feeling obligated to tend the feelings of eight different people
#polyamory #relationshipanarchy #nonmonogamy :placaPoliamor2:
#polyamory #relationshipanarchy #nonmonogamy
Liking this so far. Same savvy playful tone as the podcast. #relationshipanarchy
strength to keep on going may come from knowing solidarity is our only chance, from knowing we have a responsibility for each other or from simply refusing to give up, to refuse to accept.
for me it also comes from a tall femme taking my face into her hands and calling me beautiful. my shaved head, my complicated body that did not come with a map, everything I get stared at for by strange men - is beautiful in your eyes.
After nearly two decades of questioning my orientation(s) without really reaching any conclusions, I'm tempted to screw labels all together and just say I'm ISO my own spaceship crew.
#queer #aromantic #aro #lgbtq #lgbt #agender #nonmonogamous #enm #polyamory #relationshipanarchy #scifi #serenity #firefly #TheExpanse #quoiromantic #foundfamily #bi #bisexual #questioning
#queer #aromantic #aro #LGBTQ #LGBT #agender #nonmonogamous #enm #polyamory #relationshipanarchy #SciFi #serenity #firefly #TheExpanse #quoiromantic #foundfamily #bi #bisexual #questioning
every time I write I wish I had time to write more #cnm #polyam #TherapistsofMastodon #therapistsconnect #relationships #RelationshipAnarchy
#cnm #polyam #therapistsofmastodon #TherapistsConnect #relationships #relationshipanarchy
@Shreya512 When I was new to #ENM I had ranks (or 'circles').
Now that I'm more self-aware, and lean heavily toward #RelationshipAnarchy, I now have different dynamics and certain friendships fall into one or some of these dynamics.
No hierarchy. Just...different.
Deleted my dating app accounts; nobody on those things is capable of developing a healthy relationship, especially not with me (every other person on my feed was a “behavior technician”). Not sure if this’ll work, but I’m a 26-year-old #Neuroqueer pursuing a master’s in #sociology. I’m into #leftist #Neurodivergent women/non-masculine #NonBinary ppl. I’m #monogamous by history, but intrigued by #RelationshipAnarchy. Interested? If the feeling’s mutual, I’ll DM. #ActuallyAutistic #AskingAutistics
#neuroqueer #sociology #leftist #neurodivergent #nonbinary #monogamous #relationshipanarchy #actuallyautistic #askingautistics
Jerry Seinfeld: A Real Bachelor's Bachelor
#Polyamory #NonMonogamy #SoloPoly #SoloPolyamory #RelationshipAnarchy #Seinfeld
#polyamory #nonmonogamy #solopoly #solopolyamory #relationshipanarchy #seinfeld
Do you ever look back at the history of your relationships and feel like... I just really wish someone would have taught me love - both as a concept and a way to act/to be treated with. This is depressing AF.
I hope that if we so one thing right as anarchists, as feminists, as survivors: teach our kids to love in ways that don't abuse, control, hurt or oppress. Teach them the immeasurable value of their bodily autonomy and how to communicate what you want - and especially: don't want! - from others. Teach them boundaries and what it actually means to respect them and to enforce them. All the joy thay relating to others brings - and when to walk away. To stand their ground and to keep each other safe.
I absolutely mourn what easy conversations could have protected me.
Excellent piece from @Haste : - I definitely want to play the #boyfrienddungeon #feminism #relationshipanarchy
#relationshipanarchy #feminism #boyfrienddungeon
interesting part of the response to this toot is that many people assume that because I was talking of relationships with new people I was also talking of casual or superficial relationships.
riding the initial wave of infatuation with a near-stranger is a profoundly romantic, emotionally bonding, deep experience for me. in fact most of my long-term relationships started that way. my co-housing partner for example saw me naked before they knew my name, and it was a sex-on-first-date, also uhaul-on-first-date kind of deal.
I'm hypersexual and promiscuous and I need to keep meeting new people to thrive. That doesn't mean I hierarchise relationships as casual vs. deep, or romantic vs. sexual. The romance and the sex come together for me anyway, and even if they didn't, I value the one-night-stand partner every bit as deeply as a value the twelve-years-together partner or the platonic one. I'm a relationship anarchist.
this is also the part I had so much trouble in the past, and that I feel so fortunate now. before I met equally promiscuous folk, my experience was that partners would be more hurt about me being deeply in love with new person, than me having sex at the club. which was distressing because if I have sex at the club I easily fall in love with whoever it was.
Been going through some stuff lately and one of the things that helps me to deal with it is the concept of #RelationshipAnarchy. A relationship should only ever be what the people in it agree on, not something prescriptive. This article goes into depth on this topic and was an interesting read.
please interact if you love ADHD, autism, aro/ace/aspec people, platonic love, relationship anarchy, polyamory, bisexuality, and sleepy girls who want to lie in bed and think about their special interests all day <3
#ADHD #ActuallyAutistic #AroAce #Aspec #RelationshipAnarchy #Polyamory #Bisexual #Queer #Introduction
#adhd #actuallyautistic #aroace #aspec #relationshipanarchy #polyamory #bisexual #queer #introduction
#Introduction, finally:
this is an 18+ account for #Kink/#Queer shitposts, rumination on identity (incl. #Gender + #Plurality) and attraction, #Erotica microfiction/artwork, and the occasional selfie w/ varying degrees of lewdness, maybe
my body is in its 30s and has spent a brief amount of time in local #BDSM scenes across the US (not currently active, but entertaining the thought.) I'm a quietly #Panromantic #Pansexual #Demisexual #GayBear #GayCub type. i'm a real gender's gender; relevant terms include (do not limit) #Transmasc #Nonbinary #Genderfluid #AnyPronouns. #NonMonogamy #RelationshipAnarchy are fundamental parts of my being and life philosophy.
my main gigs are #Bratting #ServiceSubmission, #Sadomasochism, #Embarrassment/#Humiliation, #PrimalPlay #PetPlay (many species, mainly a feral dogbear) and #Little/#Middle headspace stuff... but into so much more, and open-minded/experimental
responses to erotica and playful flirting are okay... not that I assume you'd want to :)
#introduction #kink #gender #plurality #erotica #bdsm #panromantic #pansexual #demisexual #gaybear #gaycub #transmasc #nonbinary #genderfluid #anypronouns #nonmonogamy #relationshipanarchy #bratting #servicesubmission #sadomasochism #embarrassment #primalplay #petplay #little
#AnarchistMemes #RottenZuchinis #OnMonogomy #RelationshipAnarchy #AntiMonogamy #Autonomism :queeranarchy:
#anarchistmemes #rottenzuchinis #onmonogomy #relationshipanarchy #antimonogamy #autonomism