I'm aware that more and more people are identifying as aromantic and/or asexual, and are keeping this a secret from their partners while making excuses for why they aren't able to be affectionate/romantic or sexual with their partner, and it's resulting in a lot of broken relationships and distrust because of the lack of disclosure....not to mention hurt feelings and heartbreak.
Not EVERYONE is aromantic or asexual! Stop expecting everyone to be!
#relationships #dating #relationshipdrama
If some of you doing this are aromantic and/or asexual, YOU NEED TO DISCLOSE THAT BEFORE DATING SOMEONE!! Don't fucking string someone along until things get super serious, and marriage is being talked about!!
#wtf #dating #relationships #relationshipdrama
If you aren't ready for a romantic or sexual relationship, don't waste a man's time and build him up to the point of being so serious with you that you're telling him "I want a life with you, I wanna be your wife, I just don't want a sexual or romantic relationship".
#phony #games #Players #relationships #relationshipdrama