#RelativeTargets is a fascinating concept from the realm of the #BetaCodex: Stop the planning madness - bring on transparent, fast and insightful reporting. All of that completely WITHOUT the hassle of negotiating targets!
A whitepaper on the open source approach Relative Targets: https://betacodex.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/BetaCodex-PerformanceManagement2022.pdf
#performance #collaboration #leadership #nookrs #beyondbudgeting
#relativetargets #betacodex #performance #collaboration #leadership #nookrs #beyondbudgeting
#OpenSpaceBeta, #CellStructureDesign, #RelativeTargets and even the #BetaCodex itself are all "open source" social technologies.
Here is why that makes al the difference.
#collaboration #management #leadership
#openspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #betacodex #collaboration #management #leadership
Why does making a concept "open source" matter? Why do we need to share innovations with everyone - and enable others to generate income from our innovations?
#betacodex #openspacebeta #CellStructureDesign #relativetargets #lean #agile #scrum #teal
#betacodex #openspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #Lean #agile #scrum #teal
Today: BetaCodex LIVE with Rijon Erickson and Niels Pflaeging
#betacodex #betacodexlive #lean #agile #scrum #teal #selforganization #systemsthinking #leadership #orgdev #orgdesign #change #transformation #newwork #decentralization #CellStructureDesign #openspacebeta #relativetargets
#betacodex #betacodexlive #Lean #agile #scrum #teal #selforganization #systemsthinking #leadership #orgdev #orgdesign #change #transformation #newwork #decentralization #cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #relativetargets
"RelativeTargets" became an open source social technology in 2021. It is based on 20+ years of #BeyondBudgeting & #BetaCodex research, and on pioneering cases such as Handelsbanken, Toyota, dm & Buurtzorg.
Watch the intro session on #RelativeTargets with
@nielspflaeging here:
#transformation #mbo #ork #okrs #nookrs #targets #performance #performancemanagement #targetsetting #notargetsetting #noplanning #planning #budgeting #incentives #newwork #transformation #agile #lean #scrum #teal
#beyondbudgeting #betacodex #relativetargets #transformation #mbo #ork #okrs #nookrs #targets #performance #performancemanagement #targetsetting #notargetsetting #noplanning #planning #budgeting #incentives #newwork #agile #Lean #scrum #teal
Watch all 11 available episodes of #BetaCodexLIVE with @soundslikeryan and @NielsPflaeging - with conversations about all kinds of aspects around organizational leadership, transformation, decentralization and democracy!
#betacodex #leadership #transformation #systemsthinking #orgdev #orgdesign #decentralization #cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #relativetargets #newwork #futureofleadership #agile #lean #scrum #agilecoaching
#betacodexlive #betacodex #leadership #transformation #systemsthinking #orgdev #orgdesign #decentralization #cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #relativetargets #newwork #futureofleadership #agile #Lean #scrum #agilecoaching
Watch all 10 #BetaCodexLIVE episodes with
@rijon and @nielspflaeging on our YouTube channel! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0YJ5wPxtEDFOwmVAyJMpTEvtf3hZnbN7
#betacodex #leadership #openspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #agile #lean #orgdev #orgdesign
#betacodexlive #betacodex #leadership #openspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #agile #Lean #orgdev #orgdesign
Check out the #BetaCodexLIVE video series with @rijon and @nielspflaeging !
#betacodex #leadership #systemsthinking #lean #agile #teal #transformation #orgdesign #orgdev #newwork #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #openspacebeta
#betacodexlive #betacodex #leadership #systemsthinking #Lean #agile #teal #transformation #orgdesign #orgdev #newwork #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #openspacebeta
Watch all 8 #BetaCodexLIVE conversations so far, on our YouTube channel!
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0YJ5wPxtEDFOwmVAyJMpTEvtf3hZnbN7 #betacodex @soundslikeryan @NielsPflaeging #leadership #openspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #agile #lean #orgdev #orgdesign
#betacodexlive #betacodex #leadership #openspacebeta #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #agile #Lean #orgdev #orgdesign
LOVE is in the air!
There is a bit of news to share around #BetaCodex research projects: Niels Pflaeging pushed ahead with a new research project the other day. First results will be published within the next 2 weeks!
Read more about it under "Research Project No. 3": https://betacodex.org/about/beta-people/
#betacodexnetwork #managementresearch #systemsthinking #orgdev #eodf #odf #orgdesign #cellstructuredesign #decentralization #orgphysics #red42 #workthesystem #openspacebeta #relativetargets
#betacodex #betacodexnetwork #managementresearch #systemsthinking #orgdev #eodf #odf #orgdesign #cellstructuredesign #decentralization #OrgPhysics #red42 #workthesystem #openspacebeta #relativetargets
Monday's #BetaCodexLIVE session is announced!
The title: "You can't predict the future. Don't try"
On Monday, you can assist the session here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md2hFGym8v8
#betacodex #noplanning #agile #lean #beyondbudgeting #relativetargets #newwork #systemsthinking
#betacodexlive #betacodex #noplanning #agile #Lean #beyondbudgeting #relativetargets #newwork #systemsthinking
Join this month's #BetaCodex Network online gathering!
#leadership #transformation #agile #lean #scrum #teal #orgdev #orgdesign #systemsthinking #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #openspacebeta
#betacodex #leadership #transformation #agile #Lean #scrum #teal #orgdev #orgdesign #systemsthinking #cellstructuredesign #relativetargets #openspacebeta
Ready to get rid of #budgeting and annual planning?
Ready to get rid of fixed #targets, target negotiations and coercion?
Ready to get rid of obnoxious #performancemanagement systems?
Ready to get rid of nonsensical #reporting?
Ready to get rid of #incentives and bonus systems?
Ready to relinquish trampling on people's #motivation?
Ready to drive out desperation, learned helplessness and fear?
Then #RelativeTargets is for you. Best of all: It works
#betacodex #noplanning #newpay #performance #agile #lean #scrum #teal #okrs #nookrs #nombo #noincentives #workthesystem #beyondbudgeting #agiletransformation
#budgeting #targets #performancemanagement #reporting #incentives #motivation #relativetargets #betacodex #noplanning #newpay #performance #agile #Lean #scrum #teal #okrs #nookrs #nombo #noincentives #workthesystem #beyondbudgeting #agiletransformation
Ready to relinquish the illusion of control, bonus systems, target negotiations, performance appraisal, budgeting, fixed allocations and other obnoxious performance management tools, fads and practices?
Then #RelativeTargets is for you.
Best of all: It works.
#performancemanagement #performance #betacodex #beyondbudgeting #lean #agile #scrum #okr #orks #nookrs #strategy #strategicplanning #planning #budgeting #noplanning #systemsthinking #newpay #newwork #futureofleadership #cellstructuredesign
#relativetargets #performancemanagement #performance #betacodex #beyondbudgeting #Lean #agile #scrum #OKR #orks #nookrs #strategy #strategicplanning #planning #budgeting #noplanning #systemsthinking #newpay #newwork #futureofleadership #cellstructuredesign
Quite a few public #BetaCodex-related events are coming up:
19 May (tomorrow!): #BetaCodexLIVE on "Complexity theories"
02 June: #5YearsOfOpenSpace Beta anniversary event
08 June: Info Hour #RelativeTargets
19/20 June: #OpenSpaceBeta Practitioner qualification (German, in Wiesbaden)
27 June: #BetaCodexBookClub
#betacodex #betacodexlive #5yearsofopenspace #relativetargets #openspacebeta #betacodexbookclub
New event date!
Participation is free of charge.
#relativetargets #performance #leadership #betacodex #performancemanagement #orgdev #nookrs #beyondbudgeting #agile #lean
#relativetargets #performance #leadership #betacodex #performancemanagement #orgdev #nookrs #beyondbudgeting #agile #Lean
There are 12 great reasons why you should get rid of #planning, #targetsetting and #appraisal – and adopt the #RelativeTargets approach, instead. Which one matters most to you?
For more about Relative Targets: https://redforty2.com/relativetargets
#betacodex #noplanning #agile #lean #nookrs Silke Hermann BetaCodex Network #ork #okrs #performancemanagement #beyondbudgeting #planning #target #management #leadership
#planning #targetsetting #appraisal #relativetargets #betacodex #noplanning #agile #Lean #nookrs #ork #okrs #performancemanagement #beyondbudgeting #target #management #leadership
Coming up 7 March:
Info Hour Relative Targets
#performancemanagement #betacodex #relativetargets #workthesystem #orks #nookrs #performance #selforganization #workculture #newwork #leadership #lean #agile #scrum #teal #beyondbudgeting #betacodex
#performancemanagement #betacodex #relativetargets #workthesystem #orks #nookrs #performance #selforganization #workculture #newwork #leadership #lean #agile #scrum #teal #beyondbudgeting
Learn about the approach to performance systems that works: Sign up to the #Red42 info hour on 7 March!
The #RelativeTargets web page: https://www.redforty2.com/relativetargets
#relativetargets #betacodex #workthesystem #orgdev #performancemanagement #performanceappraisal #leadership #newwork #orks #mbo #newpay
#red42 #relativetargets #betacodex #workthesystem #orgdev #performancemanagement #performanceappraisal #leadership #newwork #orks #mbo #newpay
On 7 March. You are invited!
#relativetargets #betacodex #leadership #nookrs #okrs #performance #lean #agile #scrum #agility #leadership #newwork #orgdev
#relativetargets #betacodex #leadership #nookrs #okrs #performance #lean #agile #scrum #agility #newwork #orgdev