Spoiler-free review of #PinkFloyd's #DarkSideOfTheMoon 50th anniversary planetarium show (#ReleaseTheAyerCut).
#pinkfloyd #darksideofthemoon #releasetheayercut
El Director #DavidAyer desde su cuenta de X (Ex-Twitter) desmiente el rumor que aseguraba había hablado con #JamesGunn asegurando que pronto veríamos su corte de la película de #SuicideSquad! Gente investiguen antes de divulgar tremenda información!
#ReleaseTheAyerCut #DCStudios
#davidayer #jamesgunn #suicidesquad #releasetheayercut #dcstudios
Me declaro fan (Bot) del trabajo de #Snyder en #DC
Mientras respire, mi cruzada es #RestoreTheSnyderVerse (Junto a #ReleaseTheAyerCut #ReleaseTheSchumacherCut y #MakeTASM3)
Con esperanzas que se logre mediante #SellSnyderVerseToNetflix y #SellZSJLtoNetflix 😎
#nuevafotodeperfil #snyder #dc #restorethesnyderverse #releasetheayercut #releasetheschumachercut #maketasm3 #sellsnyderversetonetflix #sellzsjltonetflix
RT @CutAyer@twitter.com
BVS Ultimate Cut should have been the one put in theaters and I think GA who didn't bother to check out ultimate cut at home would have realized it was a much better film, this ultimately lead to them chopping Davids film into more lighthearted territory #ReleaseTheAyerCut https://twitter.com/AMagicWriter/status/1604806244178415621
RT @linn2000_@twitter.com
#RestoreTheSnyderVerse to me, means:
• #ReleaseTheAyerCut
• WW (2017) w/ OG ending or Wonder Woman 1854
• OG intended aquaman
• ZSJL 2
• ZSJL 3
• #MakeTheBatfleckMovie
• Cyborg
• Green Lantern Corps
• Gotham City Sirens
• Famuyiwa’s Flash
• Flashpoint
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/linn2000_/status/1600814848405045248
#restorethesnyderverse #releasetheayercut #makethebatfleckmovie
RT @cammopants@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cammopants/status/1600994484002914304
The christmas are coming now #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #MakeTheBatfleckMovie #ReleaseTheAyerCut #Batfleck #batman #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague
#restorethesnyderverse #makethebatfleckmovie #releasetheayercut #batfleck #batman #zacksnydersjusticeleague
@hbomax @wbpictures
#blackadam #restorethesnyderverse #makethebatfleckmovie #releasetheayercut #henrycavillsuperman #rayfisherisourcyborg #zacksnydersjusticeleague #zacksnyder𓃵
RT @CutAyer@twitter.com
If Blade Runner can have seven different cuts released then why can't Suicide Squad have one? #ReleaseTheAyerCut @DavidAyerMovies@twitter.com @JamesGunn@twitter.com
RT @JamesGunn@twitter.com
Opened up Twitter at the end of a long, creative weekend to see the many tweets to #SaveLegendsofTomorrow & #ReleaseTheAyerCut & fan support for other DC projects over the years. The majority of these requests were enthusiastic & respectful.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/1589336397336698880
#SaveLegendsOfTomorrow #releasetheayercut
É isso aí! Acredite nos seus sonhos! Encha o saco na internet, levante # no twitter por uns 4 anos e quem sabe...
vamos ter mais Coringa do Jared Leto
RT @CBR@twitter.com
#SuicideSquad Director @DavidAyerMovies@twitter.com Casts Doubt on #ReleaseTheAyerCut Hopes https://buff.ly/3bVymwX
#releasetheayercut #suicidesquad