For those who think a longer version of The Sixth Sense doesn't exist, this picture got leaked yesterday. If we make some noise, they'll release the whole cut.
#releasethelupinocut #lionsgate
For those who think a longer version of A Nightmare on Elm Street doesn't exist, this picture got leaked yesterday. If we make some noise, they'll release the whole cut.
#releasethelupinocut #wbpictures
Blumhouse needs to step up and let Ida Lupino finish Morbius!
This is the time to step up the posts... Restore The LupinoVerse!
Lionsgate needs to hear the noise!
The Nightingale
If you look at Ida Lupino's tweets you can totally see the clues: there is an original director's cut of Doctor Zhivago.
We need to bring pressure on #20thCentury to #ReleaseTheLupinoCut!
#20thcentury #releasethelupinocut #restorethelupinoverse
Folks I need to see that coffee shop scene that Dreamworks cut from Being John Malkovich...
#UniversalPics should be brave and release the Ida Lupino cut of A Christmas Story!
#universalpics #releasethelupinocut