Jan. 31st, 2019, part 4:
-The Senate votes 68-23 to advance a measure that opposes DJT’s attempt to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Syria
-Of the 418 Russian accounts Twitter recently removed, the hashtags they used most:
#ReleaseTheMemo -- 38,000 times
#MAGA -- 38,000 times
#IslamisTheProblem -- 18,000 times
-DJT: "I didn't see the report from the intelligence,” and, "When you read it, it is a lot different than what is covered in the news"
#releasethememo #maga #islamistheproblem
9. Hamilton 68 was the source for stories claiming Russian bots pushed terms like “deep state” or hashtags like #FireMcMaster, #SchumerShutdown, #WalkAway, #ReleaseTheMemo, #AlabamaSenateRace, and #ParklandShooting, among many others. https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1619029819584565249
#firemcmaster #schumershutdown #walkaway #releasethememo #alabamasenaterace #parklandshooting
THREAD: Twitter Files #14 THE RUSSIAGATE LIES One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag
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#releasethememo #twitterfiles #thetwitterfiles #twitterfilespart14 #Russiagate #SpyGate
RT @mtaibbi
Also my story wasn’t about 2016 or the GRU. It was about the grossly dishonest campaign by your congressional colleagues to depict the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag as driven by Russian influence. Care to address the actual story? https://twitter.com/tedlieu/status/1613708599238205442
He says there were zero Russian accounts promoting #Releasethememo, but then says it was being amplified by WikiLeaks, which Trump's own administration called a "hostile intelligence service" aided by Russia.
Democrats, mainstream media knowingly pushed false 'Russian disinfo' hoax on Twitter
Taibbi said in summation "A consistent theme of the #TwitterFiles has been concrete evidence that Russiagate headlines were manufactured by politicians and media — the thread below blows up the absurd #ReleaseTheMemo panic stoked by SenFeinstein, SenBlumenthal, and AdamSchiff, among others."
(PDF) Twitter Files #14: The Russiagate Lies, PartOne–The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag
Thread by Matt Taibbi: “At a crucial moment in a years-long furor, Democrats denounced a report about flaws in the Trump-Russia investigation, saying it was boosted by Russian ‘bots’ and ‘trolls.’”
2 hr ago
RT @mtaibbi
The latest #TwitterFiles expose as a total lie a major Russiagate story — that the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag was fueled by Russian bots: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1613589031773769739
RT by @elonmusk: The latest #TwitterFiles expose as a total lie a major Russiagate story — that the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag was fueled by Russian bots: https://nitter.net/mtaibbi/status/1613621714063134731#m
RT @mtaibbi
The latest #TwitterFiles expose as a total lie a major Russiagate story — that the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag was fueled by Russian bots: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1613589031773769739
RT @mtaibbi
1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14
One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag
trying it all together:
THREAD: Twitter Files #14 THE RUSSIAGATE LIES One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag
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#releasethememo #twitterfiles #thetwitterfiles #twitterfilespart14 #Russiagate #SpyGate
30. By spreading the Russia collusion hoax, they instigated one of the greatest outbreaks of mass delusion in U.S. history.”
This #ReleaseTheMemo episode is just one of many in the #TwitterFiles. The Russiagate scandal was built on the craven dishonesty of politicians and reporters, who for years ignored the absence of data to fictional scare headlines.
For more, watch @ ShellenbergerMD, @ BariWeiss, @ LHFang, @ DavidZweig, @ AlexBerenson, and more.
28. Re #SchumerShutdown and #ReleaseTheMemo, the internal guidance was, “Both hashtags appear to be organically trending.” https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1613589121578192896
#schumershutdown #releasethememo
27. Russians weren’t just blamed for #ReleaseTheMemo but #SchumerShutdown, #ParklandShooting, even #GunControlNow – to “widen the divide,” according to the New York Times. https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1613589118826549278
#releasethememo #schumershutdown #parklandshooting #guncontrolnow
RT @mtaibbi
1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14
One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag
14. Roth couldn’t find any Russian connection to #ReleaseTheMemo – at all. “I just reviewed the accounts that posted the first 50 tweets with #releasethememo and… none of them show any signs of affiliation to Russia.” https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1613589077906919432
1. THREAD: Twitter Files #14
One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag.
At a crucial moment in a years-long furor, Democrats denounced a report about flaws in the Trump-Russia investigation, saying it was boosted by Russian “bots” and “trolls.”
#releasethememo #twitterfiles #thetwitterfiles #twitterfilespart14 #Russiagate #SpyGate
When will #TheJusticeDept do the right thing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5bhxIuAl8Y #Sessions #FISA #ReleaseTheMemo #LionelMedia #YouTube #livestream #DOJ
#thejusticedept #sessions #fisa #releasethememo #lionelmedia #youtube #livestream #doj