The Peirce Cut is real.
Prepare to see M*A*S*H as Kimberly Peirce intended it to be seen.
Coming in 2024 from Disney Studios!
We did it! #FocusFeatures is finally going to #ReleaseThePeirceCut of The Gold Rush! Look for Kimberly Peirce's grand vision next month exclusively at Hollywood Video!
#focusfeatures #releasethepeircecut
We did it! #Dreamworks is finally going to #ReleaseThePeirceCut of The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent! Look for Kimberly Peirce's grand vision next month exclusively at That's Rentertainment!
#dreamworks #releasethepeircecut #restorethepeirceverse
ANYWAY, we're fast approaching 2023 #Miramax. Where's that City Limits announcement ???
#Miramax #releasethepeircecut #AreYouKiddingMe
Folks I really wanna see that snowman scene that Aardman Animation cut from Jackass Forever...
Let Kimberly Peirce's original vision shine #UniversalPics!
#ReleaseThePeirceCut of Happiest Season!
#universalpics #releasethepeircecut