I've written some here (search for #RM3) https://mathstodon.xyz/@CubeRootOfTrue/110775995709463374 about the naturalness of RM3, it is essentially the "complex logic" you get by solving the equation \( A \wedge \lnot A = \top \), akin to \( x^2 + 1 = 0 \) in the reals. In fact it's \( x^2 + x + 1 = 0.\)
Gödel said that blah blah either inconsistent or incomplete. 20th century mathematicians were so horrified at the thought of inconsistency it's been effectively banished (the "law" of excluded middle). We're happy, apparently, with incompleteness. But what about the opposite case!? Gödel himself developed a 3-valued logic, because he obviously understood that if you allow inconsistency, you can have completeness.
Normally inconsistency can't be tolerated because \( (A \wedge \lnot A) \supset B \), you can prove anything from an inconsistency, aka the principle of explosion. Hence the horror.
In a 3-valued logic, there are statements that are inconsistent, but the logic doesn't allow explosion, so everything's under control.
So yes, #paraconsistent and #relevant #logic have very much to do with foundations.
And yes, it's possibly the simplest example of a symmetric closed monoidal category (symmetry is optional), and maybe a useful teaching tool, not to mention that it's a superior logic than 2-valued logic, as it can handle vagueness.
#logic #relevant #paraconsistent #RM3
Expected fourth Trump indictment leads to closed roads near Georgia courthouse
#GeorgiaCourthouse #TrumpIndictment #ClosedRoads #NewsSource #Mastodon #Relevant #Politics #News
#georgiacourthouse #trumpindictment #closedroads #newssource #mastodon #relevant #politics #news
@bmdv Oha, da drin versteckt ist die Nachricht, dass der #Einzelwagenverkehr gefördert wird. Volkswirtschaftlich #relevant, #umsetzbar, #klimawirksam.
Kann diesmal gar nicht meckern. Hätte nur fast die Nachricht überlesen.
#einzelwagenverkehr #relevant #umsetzbar #klimawirksam
to be specific, are those allowed on #MastodonSocial or not?
I am using #MstdnSocial which is a different site and other rules apply here than on the instance you are on...anyway to not sound like a pedantic annoying person I did the research for you by checking your instance's rules at
#CommercialUse is not forbidden on your instance.(I checked!)
They have 1 rule against #MisleadingInformation and that's the only thing #relevant to your #question 👍
#question #relevant #misleadinginformation #commercialuse #MstdnSocial #mastodonsocial
Doorstep by @peter_misik, #Slovakia, at today's informal meeting of European Affairs Ministers taking place in #Stockholm.
"Enlargement could make us #stronger and geopolitically more #relevant."
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCouncilTVNews/status/1671786423869906945
#Slovakia #stockholm #stronger #relevant
Die #Klimakrise *ist* #Relevant, auch wenn das Michael, Ulla und Thorben aus der Redaktion anders sehen und lieber über Bundesliga und den neuen sportlich-eleganten Bruuuummbruuuuumm berichten wollen.
Wie steht's eigentlich um die Programmbeschwerde beim @NDR ? Korrigiert wurde der Artikel auf @tagesschau ja offenbar immer noch nicht.
Try to make at least one #person #happy every #day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind #thought. Count up, if you can, the #treasure of #happiness that you would dispense in a #week, in a year, in a lifetime!
Lawrence G. Lovasik°
#person #happy #day #thought #treasure #happiness #week #advice #relevant
See, I thought this article would be about the weakening pipeline of astronauts to crew NASA missions, or perhaps about the persistent white dudeness of astronaut talent pools making it hard to surprise the one black guy and one lady that NASA promised to select for #Artemis2, since there was no one else.
But actually it's about no one wanting to go to physical meetings anymore, and how bosses want them for the optics rather than any added functionality.
Update. I'm sure this has occurred to the #AI / #MLL tool builders. Determining whether an assertion is #true is a hard problem & we don't expect an adequate solution any time soon. But determining whether a #citation points to a real publication & whether it's #relevant to the passage citing it, are comparatively easy. (Just comparatively.)
Some tools already cite sources. But when will tools promise that their citations are always real and relevant — and deliver on that promise?
#relevant #citation #true #mll #ai
Op zich een prima, genuanceerd, verhaal, passend bij Volman. Maar die laatste alinea is wel een beetje raar: daar doet zij (of de interviewer) alsof nu niet allang creatieve én relevante schrijfopdrachten worden gegeven.
Correspondentie (brieven, zakelijke e-mails, sollicitaties) is iig in het mbo vast onderdeel van de examens. #Levensecht #Betekenisvol #Relevant #Onderwijs
#levensecht #betekenisvol #relevant #onderwijs
RT @GastroHealthDoc
ThankU to all the incredible speakers who dared to be vulnerable, and shared their personal & professional journeys & lessons learnt!! I recommend every #womeningi attends this conference!
#ScrubsNHeels23 #WomenBosses #womeninmedicine #Relevant #leaders #MarlaDubinsky
#WomenInGI #scrubsnheels23 #womenbosses #WomenInMedicine #relevant #leaders #marladubinsky
@riimiton @husku @VPSuuronen @annakansalais @vittorio_fossofino @Ahlberg mitenkään en pysty tätä ketjua kahlaamaan läpi, mutta kontribuutioni on tässä:
#ESN Basics, today:
Engaging #Feedback feeds your #culture and success
Extremely short, fast and simple feedback cycles engage your work force while helping to see, what is really #relevant.
The investment in #sharing knowledge requires leaders and employees to see/feel their #impact.
Every like and comment or re-share is an #appreciation to the author and the spreading factor to create #scalable results (knowledge growth, finding resources, sense of belonging, culture development…)
#esn #feedback #culture #relevant #sharing #impact #appreciation #scalable