Second Thought.
Für einen US-kritischen und eher ganz links geparkten Menschen wie mich spannender als The Wire. ;-)
Ich bin ja nu bekanntlich ein armer Rentner und kann nicht all das Geld ausgeben, das ich für gut recherchierte Artikel und Veröffentlichungen angemessen finde.
Dennoch will ich die Wenigen, die ich trotzdem unterstütze, auch gerne mal anpreisen. Hin und wieder werde ich also mal einen Youtube-Kanal oder so empfehlen.
Protobuffers Are Wrong. http://reasonablypolymorphic.com/blog/protos-are-wrong/index.html
This guy REALLY doesn't like Protobuffers much!
I have used Protobuffers in a few projects and I never liked them myself. The API is unnecessarily complex, the type system is both restrictive and overly ornate, and if you need to use an unsupported transport or type there is nothing to help you write an adapter.
Unless Protobuffers solve a specific problem nothing else does you should avoid them.
#programming #relevanttomyinterests
Israelis find rare Roman fish sauce factory. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-50825512
"Israeli archaeologists have discovered the well-preserved remains of a 2,000-year-old factory for making garum, the fabled fish sauce that the Romans took with them on all their journeys of conquest."
Garum was basically pickled (and slightly rotted) fish juice, but the Romans loved it.
Think you would never touch the stuff? Ever have Worcestershire Sauce? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worcestershire_Sauce
#archeology #history #relevanttomyinterests
Also? I need to fool around with Mozilla's pyodide. https://github.com/iodide-project/pyodide/
#python #web #relevanttomyinterests
I need to find some time to play with Mozilla's #IoT Webthings. https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/04/introducing-mozilla-webthings/
#web #relevanttomyinterests #iot
Thinking of fooling with Selenium IDE for some personal web automation. (If I have success I might switch to Selenium WebDriver.) https://selenium.dev/selenium-ide/
Anyone have any experience with Selenium? My use case isn't testing, so maybe that is an impedance mismatch? (I.E. possible, but more difficult than it ought to be.)
#web #programming #projects #relevanttomyinterests
Converse.js – A free and open-source XMPP chat client in your browser. https://conversejs.org/
#socialmedia #programming #relevanttomyinterests
Saving this link for later…
#manufacturing #making #relevanttomyinterests
Learning to Scale - Rapid Manufacturing with Enclosures. https://back7.co/home/learning-to-scale-small-manufacturing-with-enclosures-amp-big-blue-saw
As Cory Doctorow - @doctorow - says, https://boingboing.net/2019/12/03/a-box.html
"3D printing is a dumpster fire of stupid, obvious patents, but thankfully many of these are expiring; this year, the stupid patent on putting sides on a 3D printer …."
#relevanttomyinterests #manufacturing #making
The Paletten Tunnel is a very interesting way to re-use old wood pallets to build structures. http://www.leonardowerkstatt.at/exponate/paletten-tunnel/
#shelter #relevanttomyinterests #making
A Rare Meteor Shower May Grace The Skies Tonight. https://www.npr.org/2019/11/21/781738197/a-rare-meteor-shower-may-grace-the-skies-tonight
"With a bit of luck, people in the Eastern United States will be able to witness a rare meteor shower known as the Alpha Monocerotids late Thursday night. Two astronomers predicted the outburst will last less than an hour and could even yield more than 400 #meteors in that time."
#space #relevanttomyinterests #meteors
Anyone have any experience with Protonmail? https://protonmail.com/
#relevanttomyinterests #security
Sometimes you've seen something a couple of times, but you don't know the name of it. That can make searching for that thing on the Internet rather difficult when all you have is, 'arch-roofed shed with board frame often used for sailboats but also for regular sheds and greenhouses'.
Fortunately, my google-fu is strong! It's called a 'Bow-Roof Shed' and you can buy plans and a construction manual from Stimson Marine. https://www.by-the-sea.com/stimsonmarine/bowroof.html
#projects #relevanttomyinterests
The Electric Sail and Its Uses. https://www.centauri-dreams.org/2019/11/18/the-electric-sail-and-its-uses/
Constructed properly an electric magsail should be able to 'tack', changing orbits and even orbital inclination.
Electric magsails feature in some of my SF stories, where they are referred to as driftships and 'web sails', due to the fact the magsails are constructed similar to spider webs out of thin strands intersecting via magnetic nodes; except they are hundreds and even thousands of kilometers across.
I keep banging on about creative co-ops on the Internet and yet I forget to mention one of the oldest and most successful? Doh!
Book View Cafe is a 100% author-owned publishing co-op selling ebooks. 90% of the cover price goes directly to the author and 10% maintains the co-op. Best part? No DRM! https://bookviewcafe.com/bookstore/
I should also point out that one of the founders of Book View Cafe was the late Vonda McIntyre, who we all miss terribly.
Ardbeg Blaaack, a heavily peated single malt Scotch #whisky matured in Pinot Noir casks from New Zealand. https://onemoredram.com/2019/10/28/ardbeg-blaaack-revealed/
#relevanttomyinterests #whisky
#comics #relevanttomyinterests #physics #quantumcomputing
Turns out there's even engineering work and historical attampts at using an autogyro wingsail on a boat. Which would be both weird and cool and makes me wonder if you could combine the functions of a electrical-generating wind turbine and an autogyro.
#relevanttomyinterests #wingsails
Over on the birdsite @generativist asked: "What #programming tool / practice changed your life more than version control? Looking for some big wins that I've somehow missed." https://twitter.com/generativist/status/1188101264237875201
My answer? OOP. Because even when I'm not using an OOPL the concepts inform my designs.
That said, younger programmers grew up with OOP and (a) don't see it as the amazing sea-change I do while (b) also not doing it right anyway.
Seriously. Most of you are doing OOP wrong.
#relevanttomyinterests #programming