(OGL 1.1 has been "leaked." Supposedly it was supposed to come out today anyway. You'll see more and more posts and articles on it today. Start with i09).

#seaofcinders #relictrpg #wotc #ogl #opendnd #DnD

Last updated 2 years ago

I have added a Relict development/feedback channel to our discord, open to all who want to chime in and help me develop and refine the system.


#relictrpg #ttrpg #indiegame

Last updated 2 years ago

*more* they whisper
*add Mad Libs to it* the voices say

Experimental flowchart-based damage system. Work very much in progress. May wind up as just be nerding out and we'll do something else. But...well, I like it
👉 👈

#ttrpg #flowchart #indiegame #relictrpg #houndsonggames #DnD #criticalrole #pf2e #5e #wip

Last updated 2 years ago

It has a name!

Relict RPG is a free, setting agnostic system I've been developing for a while now. Rules, content, and resources will all be hosted on the website (including printable copies). I'm also working on some worldbuilding helper material for GMs.

I'm working to get a baseline playable version set up and launch the site, then I'll be adding to it and fine-tuning as we go. Stay tuned!

#relictrpg #ttrpg #tabletop #penandpaper #indiegame #DnD #rpg #roleplayinggames

Last updated 2 years ago

"How would you design a TTRPG without hit points?"
...hold my ale I have an idea

Wasn't saying it didn't exist, y'all, I'm just having fun coming up with a version of it.

#indie #ttrpg #DnD #5e #OneDnD #pf2e #homebrew #penandpaper #relictrpg #wip

Last updated 2 years ago