Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
250 followers · 2336 posts · Server aus.social

@darrelplant @amyfallon I used to be supportive of ppl of faith. I'm less and less these days bc the heavily devout/ evangelist of all faiths are just sooo judgemental and driven by rules. Plus the rules are nonsensical, phobic and prone to cherry picking.

I will never understand why women are placed in positions subservient to men. Nor why LGBTQI+ are somehow devils spawn. It seems to me the basest of contradictions in multiple faiths and driven by human religious leaders who overlay their hate into already outdated holy texts.

I have 3 close friends who identify as deeply Christian/Moslem/Jewish and live kind and unprejudiced lives. I think however that comes from a place of deep humanity more than a holy text. They are good people with or without the Bible/Q'ran/Torah.

They all say they are drawn to faith bc of the community, and the social life that comes with worship, more than the rites and dogma. So why don't we build communities with social hubs rather than churches mosques and synagogues? 🤔

#faithinhumanity #religiousstupidity #religionisdangerous #religioushypocrisy

Last updated 1 year ago

Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
240 followers · 2163 posts · Server aus.social

Faith. So like believing with all your heart, soul and every fibre of your body that god exists and is looking after you.
The way people absolutely believe Elvis is alive on the moon or that the earth is flat bc a geek on YouTube says so?

My issue with any holy text is that we don't know who wrote them. Did g/Gods sit and dictate them to a scribe, bc they couldn't be faffed to write it themselves?

Or did someone just take it upon themselves to write it in g/Gods' names for them? (which makes it verge on a twisted kind of story telling that can't be verified)

They are archaic and full of contradictions that don't add up so at best g/Gods' words are flawed and at worst used by holy men to play us for fools for following them.

So we don't know.
And the touchy feely joy of the community based, divine -arms-in-the-air-waving singing intoning genuflexing solemnising prostrating? Is it not just mass ritual, passed from parent to child, to conform and obey? Nothing more than centuries long convention at rite?

And (scarily) nowadays we see more and more deviations each saying only they are right: separate schools of thought & practice (all human inspired) in Christianity Buddhism Islam Hinduism each with their own take on the holy books.

I just wish the world would wake up from this drug.

#faithless #religionisdangerous #religionisdelusion #religionistheproblem

Last updated 1 year ago

Enoch · @enoch
769 followers · 3832 posts · Server universeodon.com

All I’m saying is nazi germany was full of Christians, including Hitler.

“According to those closest to Hitler, he continued to identify as a Catholic and made regular financial contributions to the church – but he never attended Mass or received communion”


Last updated 2 years ago