Linguistically, racism refers to prejudice and discrimination based on race, while sexism is based on sex. So, prejudice and discrimination based on ethnicity should be ',' while prejudice based on religion is called ',' and prejudice based on nationality is 'nationalism.' It's important to recognize that while some people associate racism solely with skin colour, others use the term to encompass all forms of prejudice and discrimination.

#tolerance #antiracism #religionism #ethnicism

Last updated 2 years ago

, , , , - are all the same. The all stem from our desire for a set of 'rules' that explain our infinitely complex world.

and are myths that we have created to sustain our inherently thinking.

#racism #casteism #xenophobia #sexism #religionism #egalitarianism #merit #tribal

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes! The problem is bigger than White/Black, and also bigger than .
is racism, but it's not about skin color.
And there's the evil of : vs. in , vs. in . It's EVERY case of a beating up a . !

#racism #antisemitism #religionism #hindu #muslim #india #protestant #catholic #northernireland #majority #minority #humanrights

Last updated 2 years ago