Preaching pedophilia!
A third of #Catholic dioceses in #California have filed for bankruptcy after a law change saw 3,000 lawsuits filed by survivors of childhood sexual abuse #ReligionKills
#catholic #california #religionkills
“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” All religion is dangerous… #religionkills #religion Kenyan police say they're 'likely to get more bodies' after 21 found in cult investigation
“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” #religion #religionkills India can’t find a Sikh separatist leader, but its manhunt has got the world’s attention
America has lost or is losing everything that made it successful. Descending into anti-education theocracy… Kentucky GOP overrides governor’s veto of youth gender-affirming care ban #gop #americantaliban #religionkills #religion
#gop #americantaliban #religionkills #religion
Das sind keine "Fundis", das sind religiöse Fanatiker und was die da machen ist Schikane, Belästigung und je nachdem wie viele es sind und wie lange die da stehen auch ein strafbarer Verstoß gegen das Versammlungsrecht.
#ReligionTötet #ReligionKills
Florida’s sister state, Uganda, proving that religious hate and delusion transcends all cultures. #religionkills Uganda to jail people who identify as LGBTQ in one of world's most anti-gay laws
And so the rabid insanity grows. Give an inch and these zealots will take everything you hold dear if you don’t conform to their view of ‘rightiousness’ or ‘purity’. Authoritarian theocracy looms large… #religionkills #religion #religionruinseverything 'Absurd': US state considers draft law that would ban talk of menstrual cycles before sixth grade
#religionkills #religion #religionruinseverything
Small wins but it’s positively bewildering how it’s even a necessary fight… #GOP #religion #religionkills Florida's 'Stop WOKE' law to remain blocked in colleges, appeals court rules
Make no mistake, these zealots will stop at nothing to establish a theocracy where their very specific flavour of delusion inflicts its will on everyone. Apathy won’t stop them. Action has to…. #religion #religionkills #freedomfromreligion U.S. Lawsuit Threatens Access to Abortion Drug: The Science behind the Case
#religion #religionkills #freedomfromreligion
Because the god of the GOP would hate to miss an opportunity to watch a baby suffocate…. #religionkills Florida couple unable to get abortion will see baby die after delivery
@cambskeptics As if there's not enough bad stuff in the world, some people need to feel this is important enough to argue about.
@cambskeptics As if there's not enough bad stuff in the world, some people need to feel this is important enough to argue about.
The barbarism of religious zealotry on proud display… #religion #religionkills Nine men lashed up to 39 times each in public in brutal Taliban punishments
Backward bigots gotta bigot: Church of England bishops refuse to back gay marriage:
Oh dear. What a shame. Never mind.
#religionkills #catholicchurchchildabuse
Quite why anyone still bothers with the religion delusion is beyond me.
Its so demonstrably infantile.
‘The pope earlier this month called for a ceasefire to avert the risk of escalation of the conflict and asked God to "hurry up" to end it.’
But evidently the cloud fairy was too busy smiting gays in nightclubs with AR45s and innocent shopworkers in Walmart to stop the Russians bombing another maternity unit to dust, slaughtering new borns and their mothers.
Leader of fringe religious group accused of murdering eight-year-old girl committed to stand trial
#religionkills #religion