Visiting from, looking for a more local instance.
I’m about:
And more stuff, but this is a good start.
#votingrights #unions #tech #teachers #starwars #startek #socialjustice #SmartHome #sexpositive #RepresentationMatters #renewableenergy #religionsux #RankedChoiceVoting #psilocybin #oneworld #music #linux #humanism #geeks #foss #equity #diy #clonewars #capitalismsux #cannabis #artmatters #abortionrights #3dprinting
Starting a new journey into the wider ‘verse from here in 🇺🇸. I’m about:
And more stuff, but this is a good start.
Hit me up for discussions, debates, ideas, news, things we can all use. If you want to argue or fight, keep it moving.
#abortionrights #artmatters #cannabis #capitalismsux #equity #foss #humanism #linux #music #oneworld #psilocybin #rankedchoicevoting #religionsux #renewableenergy #representationmatters #sexpositive #socialjustice #teachers #unions #votingrights