Joseph Kanski · @JPK_elmediat
240 followers · 2111 posts · Server

But the problem is a real one, not a mere intellectual game. Because today we live in a society in which are manufactured by the , by , by big , by , — and the exists by which to deliver these pseudo-worlds right into the heads of the reader, the viewer, the listener. , 1978

#sciencefiction #massmedia #ConstructedReality #society #DigitalArt #photography #philipkdick #electronichardware #politicalroups #religiousGroups #corporations #governments #media #spuriousealities

Last updated 2 years ago


There are going to be bad apples in any bunch. We cannot single out any more than that believe when people die, that's Gods way. Or who believe that the 99% don't work hard enough. Or operators, and rabid who want to suck all the from the masses while paying them a pittance and that might help pay for like .

The bad exist...(2/4)

#environmentalists #religiousGroups #capitalists #slaveTrade #rentseekers #shareholders #productiveValue #evadingTaxes #publicGoods #healthcare

Last updated 5 years ago