This morning, Angelos Vallianatos is starting our day with a keynote about Religious Education as a factor of democratic life in schools. @eftre #europeanconference #religiouseducation #religionEDU
#europeanconference #religiouseducation #religionedu
Everything is getting ready for the @eftre conference in Rome starting today! Looking forward to meeting many European colleagues during the next couple of years! #conferencelife #europeancooperation #religiouseducation #religionEDU
#conferencelife #europeancooperation #religiouseducation #religionedu
Arrived in #Rome for the @eftre conference. Your executive board is getting everything ready for you for tomorrow ☺️💪 #europeanconference #religiouseducation #religionEDU #bestteam #herewego
#rome #europeanconference #religiouseducation #religionedu #bestteam #herewego
@comenius Es ist mir eine Ehre, die #Bildungsarbeit mit in die Beratungen zur zukünftigen Zusammenarbeit der europäischen Kirchen einzubringen.💪🥳
It is an honour to contribute #religiouseducation perspectives to the discussions about the future cooperation of Churches in Europe 🇪🇺⛪
#bildungsarbeit #religiouseducation
Working on some exciting social media content for EFTRE (European Forum for Teachers of Religious Education). Do you like it? 🤓 🙃 #ReligionEDU #europeanconferences #religiouseducation
#religionedu #europeanconferences #religiouseducation
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to take a class at YDS that is free and on your own time?
We have several online YDS introductory courses that can be found at
#YDSCCE #YDS #YBS #Church #LearningBeyondTheWalls #yale #YaleDivinitySchool #ReligiousEducation
#religiouseducation #yaledivinityschool #yale #learningbeyondthewalls #church #ybs #yds #ydscce