hey so WaPo is providing a years' heads up as to the dates and paths of the next solar eclipses viewable in the US
and that should remind us that in many Indigenous communities here, there are culturally significant practices that limit ppl's activities during an eclipse.
∴ don't require in-person activities during eclipses.
#academicchatter #religiousholidays #eclipses
"The procession, from the #QuirinoGrandstand to #QuiapoChurch, was much less crowded and more orderly than the traditional “Traslacion” where crowds swarm around the life-size statue of the Black Nazarene."
88,000 devotees join Walk of Faith for #FeastOfBlackNazarene | #Philippines #ReligiousHolidays | Inquirer News
#religiousholidays #philippines #feastofblacknazarene #quiapochurch #quirinograndstand