My idea of going to church.
#garden #gardening #richmondsunflowerfest #dahlia #religiousnaturalism
#religiousnaturalism #dahlia #richmondsunflowerfest #gardening #garden
Best short science video all year.
#science #spirituality #religiousnaturalism
#religiousnaturalism #spirituality #science
Best short science video all year.
#science #spirituality #religiousnaturalism
#religiousnaturalism #spirituality #science
@BrightFlame @solarpunkgnome @jankwrites
Have you heard of the Religious Naturalist Association? Check it out! There's probably some overlap.
#religiousnaturalist #religiousnaturalism
So, I'm already feeling good about sitting down to a night of drinking before the holiday, but then I find out one of my photos placed third in the photo contest of the Religious Naturalist Association and I've won an autographed copy of Ursula Goodenough's second edition of "The Sacred Depths of Nature". That put me over the moon!
My winning photo is called "Altar".
#religiousnaturalism #religiousnaturalist #religiousnaturalistassociation #bees
#bees #religiousnaturalistassociation #religiousnaturalist #religiousnaturalism
Male whale fail tales: As populations rebound, humpback males give up singing for mates, and fight instead. Good news? Yes. Singing for a mate is best when she’s hard to even find. With numbers up eightfold, better to mate in silence. If other males come around, intimidate them. #cousins #conservation #science #religiousnaturalism #spirituality #socialchange
#socialchange #spirituality #religiousnaturalism #science #conservation #cousins
Male whale fail tales: As populations rebound, humpback males give up singing for mates, and fight instead. Good news? Yes. Singing for a mate is best when she’s hard to even find. With numbers up eightfold, better to mate in silence. If other males come around, intimidate them. #cousins #conservation #science #religiousnaturalism #spirituality #socialchange
#socialchange #spirituality #religiousnaturalism #science #conservation #cousins
Looking up is looking back in time. The James Webb Telescope can see galaxies as they were 13+ billion years ago. Some of them are too big, too early in the universe’s history for current knowledge to explain. This is GREAT! There is still much to reveal, and much awe and wonder still to come. #science #spirituality #Religiousnaturalism
#religiousnaturalism #spirituality #science
Looking up is looking back in time. The James Webb Telescope can see galaxies as they were 13+ billion years ago. Some of them are too big, too early in the universe’s history for current knowledge to explain. This is GREAT! There is still much to reveal, and much awe and wonder still to come. #science #spirituality #Religiousnaturalism
#religiousnaturalism #spirituality #science
Gorgeous photos of our marine cousins being amazing.
#religiousnaturalism #spirituality #science #cousins
Is love scientifically “real”?
“Thirty spokes converge
In the hub of a wheel;
But the use of the cart
Will depend on the part
Of the hub that is void.”
[Excerpt, Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching]
(JD says: love is the hub...)
#poetry #spirituality #religiousnaturalism #science
Your suspicions confirmed: a Cornell study shows that people with access to immersion in nature (parks) had better mental health during lockdowns. Nature heals. #science #nature #religiousnaturalism #spirituality #parks #equity
The study:
#equity #parks #spirituality #religiousnaturalism #nature #science
Our great-ape cousins use sign language. Most humans can read it. Can you?
#kinship #science #spirituality #religiousnaturalism
Plain English article, with a chance to try it yourself:
The study:
#religiousnaturalism #spirituality #science #kinship
The meek are just smarter…among raccoons. Scientists found that aggressive raccoons were slower learners than docile ones in solving puzzles. Sound familiar? Thoughtfulness pays, in our distant cousins and ourselves.
#kinship #evolution #science #spirituality #religiousnaturalism #humility
#humility #religiousnaturalism #spirituality #science #evolution #kinship
Sufi wisdom that endures today.
#science #spirituality #holism #unity #interbeing #religiousnaturalism
#religiousnaturalism #interbeing #unity #holism #spirituality #science
Spiders dream, too (maybe). Keen observers (aka scientists) documented jumping spiders’ eyes exhibiting Rapid Eye Movements while asleep, while all eight legs twitched. Like your dog. Like you.
REM sleep indicates dreaming in humans; we can’t be sure about spiders, but it’s one more revelation about how non-special we are (or, how totally special ALL life is). #kinship #evolution #science #spirituality #compassion #religiousnaturalism
Plain-English article:
#religiousnaturalism #compassion #spirituality #science #evolution #kinship
Eudaemonia is spirit-wellness—beyond happiness to meaningful wholeness. Researchers found that awe, wonder, & beauty amplify meaningfulness. So really—stop and smell the roses. It’s a religious practice. #ReligiousNaturalism #science #spirituality #eudaemonia #awe #wonder #gratefulness
Plain English article:
#gratefulness #wonder #awe #eudaemonia #spirituality #science #religiousnaturalism
I love this. #science #spirituality #religiousnaturalism
#religiousnaturalism #spirituality #science