#religioustrauma is like chewing gum: Sticky, messy, & hard to remove. It is pervasive, impacting:
-mental health, and more.
Every religion has the potential to cause #religioustraumasyndrome. #psychology #cults #coercivecontrol #abuse #exchristian #atheist
#atheist #exchristian #abuse #coercivecontrol #cults #psychology #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma
Evergreen principles when discussing #spiritualabuse, #misogyny in #religion, or ways implicit bias & #racism land on #BIPOC in the #Church. #antiracism #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #churchabuse #racism #evangelical #evangelical
#SpiritualAbuse #misogyny #religion #racism #bipoc #church #antiracism #religiousabuse #religioustrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #churchabuse #evangelical
Gross, I got tricked into clicking a headline from #CBN about the #TargetPride drama. I threw up in my soul a little 🤢
#ChristianBroadcastingNetwork #Transphobia
#Exvangelical #ReligiousTraumaSyndrome
#cbn #targetpride #christianbroadcastingnetwork #transphobia #exvangelical #religioustraumasyndrome
It was my pleasure today to interview ex-Scientologist Chris Shelton on the Divorcing Religion podcast! Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss an episode https://youtube.com/@ComeToCORT #podcast #scientology #scientologist #criticalthinking #atheist #nullifidian #therapist #exchristian #ReligiousTrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #counsellor #recovery
#recovery #counsellor #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma #exchristian #therapist #nullifidian #atheist #criticalthinking #scientologist #scientology #podcast
One of the most popular sessions from the inaugural conference on religious trauma (CORT) featured ex-pastors discussing their journeys out of Christianity: https://youtu.be/KbVtHqYD6U8 #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma #exchristian #secular #Atheist #Conference #psychology #therapists
#therapists #psychology #conference #atheist #secular #exchristian #ReligiousTrauma #religioustraumasyndrome
I love the work that I do helping clients recover from #religioustrauma. It is immensely satisfying to see clients open up to life & experience their own Aha! moments. In addition to providing a safe space for them, I get to share what I’ve learned & thereby pass along parts of myself. It is a beautiful & powerful exchange. Ready to explore & grow? Www.divorcing-religion.com #therapy #consulting #coaching #religioustraumasyndrome
#religioustraumasyndrome #coaching #consulting #therapy #ReligiousTrauma
I wasn't prepared after leaving the #Cult on how painful and truly "complex" living with #CPTSD would be. (Living in an abusive relationship for years with a "deprogrammer" didn't help). Now, there are times I have to move forward in fear, with all my will, when I'd rather stay in my comfort zone. Sometimes bad feelings are tied into certain repeated events that ultimately have little to do with the current reality. But they feel real. #Healing #ReligiousTraumaSyndrome
#cult #cptsd #healing #religioustraumasyndrome
I am busy putting together the speakers list for this year‘s Conference on Religious Trauma (CORT2023) - and it will be incredible! CORT will be online again this year, Oct 20-22. I’ll be sure to let you know when tickets are on sale. #ReligiousTrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #mentalhealth #psychology #secular #criticalthinking #cptsd #cbt #dbt
#dbt #cbt #cptsd #criticalthinking #secular #psychology #mentalhealth #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma
MDs, psychiatrists, & psychologists must learn about #ReligiousTrauma & #religioustraumasyndrome in order to have a broader view of issues which present like #DID , #bipolardisorder , and #borderlinepersonalitydisorder . This will be my topic at the 9th International Trauma Congress in Amsterdam this summer. I am very #nervous about addressing MDs because I don’t have a medical background - but the topic is too important not to share. I hope it is well accepted.
#nervous #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bipolardisorder #did #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma
#cptsd #ReligiousTrauma #trauma #religioustraumasyndrome #brain #emotions #education #mentalhealth If you were raised in an #authoritarian religious environment or high-demand group, this may resonate with you. In August I am speaking at the 9th International Trauma Congress about how #RTS is often misdiagnosed as #bipolar disorder and/or #borderlinepersonalitydisorder and may also present as #dissociativeidentitydisorder.
#dissociativeidentitydisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bipolar #rts #authoritarian #mentalhealth #education #emotions #brain #religioustraumasyndrome #trauma #ReligiousTrauma #cptsd
I will continue to speak against the traumatizing effects of religion as long as I am able to communicate. Children deserve to be raised in safety and love, not fear and punishment. #ReligiousTrauma #parenting #exchristian #nullifidian #ReligiousTraumaSyndrome #ProtectTheKids #criticalthinking #compassion
#compassion #criticalthinking #ProtectTheKids #religioustraumasyndrome #nullifidian #exchristian #parenting #ReligiousTrauma
Pssst: You are allowed to reject what you were taught in childhood - particularly if it was religious! It’s time to think & #reason as an adult, holding all beliefs to the highest scrutiny. This is especially needed for beliefs that require #magicalthinking . #science #reality #ReligiousTrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #criticalthinking #adulting #growth #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #growth #adulting #criticalthinking #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma #reality #science #magicalthinking #reason
In the Divorcing Religion Podcast, I aim to normalize leaving religion & building a healthy, rewarding #secular life. My latest interview was with controversial #atheist figure Matt Dillahunty. #exchristian #growth #ReligiousTrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #criticalthinking https://www.divorcing-religion.com/post/matt-dillahunty-the-godfather-of-atheism
#criticalthinking #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma #growth #exchristian #atheist #secular
THANK YOU, Mastodon Friends! ♥️🎆🥰 This means the world to me! #WeDidIt #thankyou #excited #ReligiousTrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #Recovery
#recovery #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma #excited #thankyou #wedidit
If you enjoy my posts about #ReligiousTrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #recovery #atheism #patriarchy #purityculture #criticalthinking #nullifidian life, #secularism #SecularHumanism & more, you will LOVE my YT channel! I only need 40 more subs to be monetized - please subscribe today for thought-provoking & insightful videos: https://youtube.com/@ComeToCORT
#secularhumanism #secularism #nullifidian #criticalthinking #purityculture #patriarchy #atheism #recovery #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma
Death - Finality/no afterlife
Freedom - Must make our own choices
Isolation - Loss of religious community
Meaninglessness - Loss of purpose
#ExistentialCrisis #existential #ReligiousTrauma #religioustraumasyndrome #death #grief #atheist #agnostic #crisis #therapy #relationships #purpose
I can help: www.divorcing-religion.com
#purpose #relationships #therapy #crisis #agnostic #atheist #grief #death #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma #existential #ExistentialCrisis
I am only 110 subs away from monetization of my YT channel! Please help me continue to educate about #ReligiousTrauma & the recovery help available. I aim to normalize secular #humanism & am also working to open recovery centers for those who have left high-demand religious/spiritual groups & cults. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGhyTXTIM9kdTJ1jW-Ckb5g #humanist #atheist #agnostic #ReligiousTraumaSyndrome #Recovery #survivor #science #CriticalThinking #secular #secularism #liberal #compassion
#compassion #liberal #secularism #secular #criticalthinking #science #survivor #recovery #religioustraumasyndrome #agnostic #atheist #humanist #humanism #ReligiousTrauma
In my private practice, I work with clients recovering from #ReligiousTrauma and #ReligiousTraumaSyndrome. Regardless of flavor ( #exchristian, #exmuslim, #exjew, #exhindu, #exmormon ), the big recovery issues focus on #grief & #loss of identity, community, & worldview. Additionally, there are often significant gaps in knowledge & experience with sex, science, & secular/pop culture. It takes tremendous courage to examine foundational beliefs. If you're making the journey: WAY TO GROW!
#loss #grief #exmormon #exhindu #exjew #exmuslim #exchristian #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma
In my private practice, I work with clients recovering from #ReligiousTrauma and #ReligiousTraumaSyndrome. Regardless of flavor ( #exchristian, #exmuslim, #exjew, #exhindu, #exmormon ), the big recovery issues focus on #grief & #loss of identity, community, & worldview. Additionally, there are often significant gaps in knowledge & experience with sex, science, & secular/pop culture. It takes tremendous courage to examine foundational beliefs. If you're making the journey: WAY TO GROW!
#loss #grief #exmormon #exhindu #exjew #exmuslim #exchristian #religioustraumasyndrome #ReligiousTrauma