Thank dog i'm not #Merkan, & do not live in #Merka, yet even so, i despise the #GoP with a visceral passion. 😡
Why, WHY, do these despicable #RWNJ #ReligoFascists hate #trans peeps & natal #women so badly? What IS wrong in the brains & hearts of these awful people? 🤮
#merkan #merka #gop #rwnj #religofascists #trans #women #transphobia #sexism #misogyny #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs
I have this thought. It might be unpopular, notwithstanding it's coming from a #transitioned #transwoman [ie, any critics would need to work pretty hard to be able to accuse me of reflexive #transphobia or #homophobia].
Across parts of Straya, especially Victoria & NSW, & from what i read also in parts of southern USA, there's a growing pattern of local government councils attempting to put on book-reading events for kids in local council public libraries. That part's not new or novel, it's been happening for many decades.
The comparatively new/novel aspect is that lately, the invited, scheduled, advertised readers include various flamboyant entertainers whom some call #DragQueens. That these peeps, & the council staff [including but not only the librarians] are being increasingly targeted by vile mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging #RWNJ #ReligoFascists is self-evidently deplorable & intolerable. There is no parallel universe in which this ghastly hateful #homophobia & #transphobia is legitimate, acceptable or "ok".
However, my angle on this is a bit different. Afaik, many if not all of these events are organised under a banner of helping to increase social awareness of the full richness of #diversity & #identity [+, ofc, to further help imbue kids with the love of reading & learning]. #DragQueens are ofc part of that diversity... but they are only a *part*.
Why not also [not instead, but additional to] organise other book-readings by singles & pairings of partnered/married gay blokes & lesbians, & of ordinary* everyday #transwomen, #transmen, #enbies etc?
* by which, in this context here, i specifically just mean regular #trans bankers, truck drivers, architects, firies, cops, ambos, surgeons, engineers, construction workers, electricians, mechanics, et al, not exotic entertainers.
Wouldn't such a scope-broadening have an even better potential to spread social familiarity & insight? Would such broadening still be so readily "weaponisable" by the despicable loonies? 🤷♀️
#transitioned #transwoman #transphobia #homophobia #dragqueens #rwnj #religofascists #diversity #identity #transwomen #transmen #enbies #trans as i was just now getting my dried clothes off the drying rack, & folding them up into my washing basket for putting away later, when i feel like it, coz i'm a lazy cow much of the time, & often need to be in the right mood for lots of my routine household running tasks, plus i confess that much of these words now are being inserted gratuitously just to pad out this into a candidate for the longest sentence of the year awards, which are usually held every leap year but next time will be in the tumbleweed year [little #linux #openSUSE joke there for any penguins who might stumble across this post then live to regret it til their dying days], this crazy thought somehow popped into my head; where are all the #RWNJs, the anti-#LGBTQI creeps, the #Tories, #GoP'ers, #Liebs & #Nuts, the #FlatEarthers & #ClimateDeniers, the #ReligoFascists here? Are they kept out simply due to the sane decent Instance moderation policies alone? Is it the absence of algorithmic rage-boosting that has dissuaded them? Is it a frank acceptance that on no moral, ethical or science basis can they substantiate their vile prejudices? Or, is it much more pragmatic, being simply that they don't have any spare time left atm coz they're so frantically busy picketing women's health facilities, burning books, & tying #transwomen to the railway tracks? 🤷♀️
#Linux #opensuse #rwnjs #lgbtqi #tories #gop #liebs #nuts #flatearthers #climatedeniers #religofascists #transwomen #fsckrwnjs