Well this is quite disturbing information I just found out about. Community is . And this really hits hard cause I actually know family members that attend this church. Gonna try to convince them to switch to another church in town, cause the family members I know that go to this church are not like this. churchclarity.org/church/north

#northview #church #antilgbtq #homophobia #LGBT #LGBTQ #pride #churchhate #hate #discrimination #bigotry #Christianity #religion #religousabuse #religousbullshit #religoustrauma #churchabuse #churchtrauma #churchpropoganda

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm in a religious group on Discord and had a come in and immediately start quoting scripture and calling us all hypocrites. "But God loves you!"

Thank you for reopening my . Now I get to spend the rest of the day putting my anxiety over having to deal with Christian evangelists in my normal life in its place. ๐Ÿ˜‘

If you're a , this would be like going to an AA meeting and trying to sell the members alcohol. Don't be that person.

#recovery #support #christian #trauma #theist #religoustrauma #rts

Last updated 2 years ago

The Kelly Song · @KellyKellyKelly
108 followers · 203 posts · Server masto.ai

If my mom could know all the fallout from taking me to church, I hope she would have reconsidered.

I understand why she did. She sought grounding during a difficult time. I learned to do the same.

But reality is far saferโ€ฆI wish parents today could know this


Last updated 2 years ago

Mav · @mavmagick
1 followers · 6 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Itโ€™s crazy how around sex just pops up in the weirdest ways! I know Iโ€™m healing because it was easy to talk about this stuff with my therapist. I donโ€™t feel shame for having struggles which is such a welcome change. All I want to do is be a freak without my brain shaming me for it ๐Ÿ™„

#religoustrauma #cptsd

Last updated 2 years ago

Telorand :verified: · @telorand
224 followers · 204 posts · Server universeodon.com

I've been here for a few weeks, and I now feel ready to do an .

I'm Telorand.
I'm an .
I'm an .
I'm a .
I'm a .
I'm ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ.
I'm a .
I'm still working through my .

I will promote the ,
The ,
The ,
The ,
The ,
The .

"Treat others as they would want to be treated." โ€“ of

#introduction #exchristian #atheist #secularhumanist #skeptic #queer #musician #religoustrauma #creative #lovely #encouraging #thoughtful #Kind #helpful #platinumrule #humanism

Last updated 2 years ago