This is not about #TheHuntingOfTheSnark, but about the religious background of the author of the #Snark tragicomedy. (2022-11-17) by #RichardMammana is about #CharlieLovett's book "#LewisCarroll: Formed by #Faith" (University of Virginia Press), 2022, hardcover, illustrated, 324 pages.
#FormedByFaith, #ReligSnark, #ReligiousCarroll, #Deacon (#ordained 1861-12-22), #PermanentDeacon, #Pusey, #Keble, #Liddon, #Tractarian, #SubTractarian, #HighChurch, #eucharist
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #snark #richardmammana #charlielovett #lewiscarroll #faith #formedbyfaith #religsnark #religiouscarroll #deacon #ordained #permanentdeacon #pusey #keble #liddon #tractarian #subtractarian #highchurch #eucharist
This is not about #TheHuntingOfTheSnark, but about the religious background of the author of the #Snark tragicomedy. (2022-11-17) by #RichardMammana is about #CharlieLovett's book "#LewisCarroll: Formed by #Faith" (University of Virginia Press), 2022, hardcover, illustrated, 324 pages.
#formedbyfaith, #ReligSnark, #ReligiousCarroll, #Deacon (#ordained 1861-12-22), #PermanentDeacon, #Pusey, #Keble, #Liddon, #Tractarian, #SubTractarian, #HighChurch, #eucharist
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #snark #richardmammana #charlielovett #lewiscarroll #faith #formedbyfaith #religsnark #religiouscarroll #deacon #ordained #permanentdeacon #pusey #keble #liddon #tractarian #subtractarian #highchurch #eucharist
This is not about #TheHuntingOfTheSnark, but about the religious background ot the author of the #Snark tragicomedy. (2022-11-17) by #RichardMammana is about #CharlieLovett's book "#LewisCarroll: Formed by #Faith" (University of Virginia Press), 2022, hardcover, illustrated, 324 pages.
#formedbyfaith, #ReligSnark, #ReligiousCarroll, #Deacon (#ordained 1861-12-22), #PermanentDeacon, #Pusey, #Keble, #Liddon, #Tractarian, #SubTractarian, #HighChurch, #eucharist
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #snark #richardmammana #charlielovett #lewiscarroll #faith #formedbyfaith #religsnark #religiouscarroll #deacon #ordained #permanentdeacon #pusey #keble #liddon #tractarian #subtractarian #highchurch #eucharist (2022-11-17) by #RichardMammana is about #CharlieLovett's "#LewisCarroll: Formed by #Faith" (University of Virginia Press), 2022, hardcover, illustrated, 324 pages.
#ReligSnark, #ReligiousCarroll, #Deacon (#ordained 1861-12-22), #PermanentDeacon, #Pusey, #Keble, #Liddon, #Tractarian, #SubTractarian, #HighChurch, #eucharist
#richardmammana #charlielovett #lewiscarroll #faith #religsnark #religiouscarroll #deacon #ordained #permanentdeacon #pusey #keble #liddon #tractarian #subtractarian #highchurch #eucharist
My most important Snark finding (#ReligSnark):
In his #illustration ( to fit#8 of #LewisCarroll's #tragicomedy "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876), #HenryHoliday hid a pictorial reference to the print "Faiths Victorie in Romes Crueltie" (published by Thomas Jenner, c. 1630). The attached image shows
(1) the print (containing a depiction of #ThomasCranmer's burning) with a comment from a curator of the #BritishMuseum and
(2) my image comparison.
#religsnark #illustration #lewiscarroll #tragicomedy #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #ThomasCranmer #britishmuseum
"Burning the Baker", LCSNA Knight Letter ( № 100, Spring 2018, p. 55~56 (
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark, #HenryHoliday, #LewisCarroll, #VictorianLiterature, #ThomasCranmer, #ReligSnark, #ChurchOfEngland, #AnglicanChurch, #EdwardVI, #HenryVIII, #MaryI, #TudorMary, #BloodyMary #QueenMary, #Martyr, #Martyrs, #ThomasJenner
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #victorianliterature #ThomasCranmer #religsnark #ChurchofEngland #anglicanchurch #edwardvi #henryviii #maryi #tudormary #bloodymary #queenmary #martyr #martyrs #thomasjenner
"Burning the Baker", LCSNA Knight Letter ( № 100, Spring 2018, p. 55~56 (
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #LewisCarroll #VictorianLiterature #ThomasCranmer #ReligSnark #ChurchOfEngland, #EdwardVI, #HenryVIII, #MaryI
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #victorianliterature #ThomasCranmer #religsnark #ChurchofEngland #edwardvi #henryviii #maryi
Below you see probably the first reference in academia to my #Snark findings: "A Cross-Cultural History of Britain and Belgium, 1815-1918: Mudscapes and Artistic Entanglements" by #MarysaDemoor, Springer Nature, 2022-03-21.
Prof. Deemor used my findings without specifying her source.
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #LewisCarroll #HenryHoliday #MarcusGheeraerts #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #BelgianHistory #BritishHistory #CrossCultural #SpringerNature #ReligSnark
(Image from
#religsnark #springernature #crosscultural #britishhistory #belgianhistory #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #MarcusGheeraerts #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #marysademoor #snark
"Burning the Baker", LCSNA Knight Letter ( № 100, Spring 2018, p. 55~56 (
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #LewisCarroll #ThomasCranmer #ReligSnark
#religsnark #ThomasCranmer #lewiscarroll #HenryHoliday #TheHuntingOfTheSnark
My most important Snark finding (#ReligSnark):
In his #illustration ( to fit#8 of #LewisCarroll's #tragicomedy "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876), #HenryHoliday hid a pictorial reference to the print "Faiths Victorie in Romes Crueltie" (published by Thomas Jenner, c. 1630). The attached image shows
(1) the print (containing a depiction of #ThomasCranmer's burning) with a comment from a curator of the #BritishMuseum and
(2) my image comparison.
#religsnark #britishmuseum #ThomasCranmer #HenryHoliday #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #tragicomedy #lewiscarroll #illustration