Grow more fruit in cities & everywhere. Deurbanize & surround cities with food...again. Distant food, higher risks.
Also, a plug for friends across the Atlantic working to #relocalize eco-nomics:
"The #Permaculture Association aims to radically & positively change the way we live in the UK. We're helping educate, network, support & redesign all aspects of our daily lives to transform ourselves, our communities & our landscapes.
El hecho de que no tengamos el más mínimo plan de relocalización productiva de elementos básicos y de primera necesidad muestra hasta qué punto nuestros gobernantes no tienen repajolera idea de lo que implica el fin de los combustibles fósiles.
#PeakDiesel #PeakOil #EndOfGlobalization #Relocalize #Relocalizacion #Poscapitalismo
#peakdiesel #peakoil #endofglobalization #relocalize #relocalizacion #poscapitalismo
I certainly would like to see more signs like this in every village, town, and city.
#relocalize #permaculture #UrbanFarming
#relocalize #permaculture #urbanfarming