Earliest Tape and Record Show Elvis Presley Remasters... New journal post: https://albert71292.livejournal.com/1764764.html?utm_source=twsharing&utm_medium=social& #remasters #tapeandrecordshowenterprises #trse #elvispresley #digitization
#remasters #tapeandrecordshowenterprises #trse #elvispresley #digitization
Stop Making Sense Is Returning to Theaters As an A24 Movie #2023_03_16 #vulture #rebecca_alter #talking_heads #david_byrne #jonathan_demme #movies #news #rereleases #remasters
#2023_03_16 #vulture #rebecca_alter #talking_heads #david_byrne #jonathan_demme #movies #news #rereleases #remasters
Dearest Nintendo,
With Metroid Prime 2 and 3 Remasters being soft confirmed, can we please get Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD on the Switch? I feel like those two are the only remaining reasons I have to leave my WiiU unpacked.
#gaming #nintendoSwitch #legendOfZelda #remasters #ports #nintyPlz
#gaming #nintendoswitch #legendofzelda #remasters #ports #nintyplz
Wie konnte ich diese tolle Doppelsendung im NDR im letzten Jahr รผbersehen haben (noch vor #StrangerThings IV im Mai 2022)?
#KateBush #Podcast #Doku #ArtPop #Lebenswerk #PeterUrban #NDR #NDR2 #MusikTalk #UrbanPop #MagischerPop 1+2
#TheKickInside #Lionheart #TourOfLife #NeverForever #TheDreaming #HoundsOfLove #TheNinthWave #PeterGabriel #DontGiveUp #TheSensualWorld #TheRedShoes #Aerial #DirectorsCut #50WordsForSnow #BeforeTheDawn #Remasters
#strangerthings #katebush #podcast #doku #artpop #lebenswerk #peterurban #ndr #ndr2 #musiktalk #urbanpop #magischerpop #thekickinside #lionheart #touroflife #neverforever #thedreaming #houndsoflove #theninthwave #petergabriel #dontgiveup #thesensualworld #theredshoes #aerial #directorscut #50wordsforsnow #beforethedawn #remasters
@Goldengladiator You and me both! The new #remasters of the old #Doom and #Quake games are made so well!
I played through #Doom1 and #Doom2 but haven't gotten myself to finish #Quake yet nor #DukeNukem.
And haven't bought #Dusk but I've hard some great things about it as well ๐
#remasters #doom #quake #doom1 #doom2 #dukenukem #dusk
Drinking Pino Grizio and #listening to The Moody Blues Days of Futur Past, 50th Anniversary Edition, with the London Festival Orchestra. #Music #Rock #ClassicRock #remasters Sounds way better than that horrible binyl copy I bought years ago. #wine
#wine #remasters #classicrock #rock #music #listening