I've had not much interesting to say today, so I'll leave you with this photo.
A few weeks ago I went to #london for the #rememberancesunday event. It was a great day to see all the people who have served for our country in the #UK in one place, and I got this great photo of the #cenotaph
#london #rememberancesunday #uk #cenotaph
My Great-Grandfather Faver, just a grunt on the lines of WW1 #rememberanceSunday #Remember
I wasn't sure where to focus or how to portray the rotting craftsmanship here. I can't imagine how gorgeous the arch in the middle of the house looked. I want to know how fuzzy the stairwell carpet felt on bare feet.
#baresoles #sunday #thisoldhouse #farm #sundaymornings #happyholidays #rememberancesunday #church #breakfast #gorgeous #beautiful #divide #abandonedplaces #bando #decay
#baresoles #sunday #thisoldhouse #farm #sundaymornings #happyholidays #rememberancesunday #church #breakfast #gorgeous #beautiful #divide #abandonedplaces #bando #Decay
As I research my family history, I am seeing first hand the tragedy of young people being cut down by wars. One female relative I actually knew married just before WW1, and her husband was killed on the western front early in WW1. She never remarried.
On this day when we remember the fallen in the two main world wars, we should also remember that wars are the tools of desperate men, and its the rank and file that suffer the consequences.
#wewillremberthem #rememberancesunday
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
In Flanders Fields, by John McRae
#history #lego #rememberancesunday
Remembering the lives of those that gave theirs so that we can live ours.