Just found out #todoist has a limit on label count. 😮💨 Going to need to get creative on label reuse. 😅
Though it took me a few years, since migrating from #RememberTheMilk, to find out. 😅 Now I'm curious. How many labels did I have on rtm... Probably in the thousands. 🤣
#GoogleAssistant のリマインダーを #GoogleCalendar のToDoリストと統合するよう案内が来ていたので、軽率にやってしまった。結果、 #GoogleHome 経由で #RememberTheMilk にTODOを登録できるように仕掛けていた #IFTTT が誤起動してしまうようになってしまった。ぐぬぬ。
#ifttt #rememberthemilk #googlehome #GoogleCalendar #googleassistant
@kuketzblog (1) #Aegis #Authenticator = App für 2FA.
(2) #RememberTheMilk = Einkaufs- / Erinnerungslisten
(3) #FairEmail = Zum Verwalten von E-Mail-Konten
(3a) #OpenKeychain = PGP-Verschlüsselung in Verbindung mit (3)
#aegis #authenticator #rememberthemilk #fairemail #openkeychain
Next in my series on how and what I #SelfHost: #Photo #Workflows
I'm a #photographer, sometimes I use a DSLR, but usually just random shots from my #Android phone.
Details in thread 🧵
🏷️ #Photography #RaspberryPi #SyncThing #Docker #RememberTheMilk #GooglePhotos
#selfhost #photo #workflows #photographer #android #photography #raspberrypi #syncthing #docker #rememberthemilk #googlephotos
Been using #todoist about a year and change from #RememberTheMilk. Mostly out of need to have more than just myself using it. 😅 That and integrations with todoist are everywhere.
That said, every day I'm reminded why I used it for 10+ years.🙁 Search composition alone is a monstrous feature. Wished todoist handled more user experience bits like rtm has.
I updated my shell aliases/functions for #RememberTheMilk, so now I just have one "shop" function that outputs my shopping list (with no arguments) or adds to it (with an argument)
I've been looking for an opensource web app alternative to #rememberthemilk and #todoist for a long time.
I use #orgmode myself, but people I recommend #GTD to can't use it. Any idea?
#rememberthemilk #todoist #orgmode #gtd
@marybennet@mastodon.social y yo tan contento con #evernote o la lista de tareas de #google por lo menos hasta que salga una versión en el #fediverse de este tipo de recursos como #rememberTheMilk :P
#evernote #google #fediverse #rememberthemilk
All of you lovely #IndieWeb people have got me seriously thinking about buying a #RaspberryPi to set up my own server for hosting my website and running things like #NextCloud and #Etherpad.
I also kind of want to make an opensource todo list in the vein of #RememberTheMilk or #Todoist that you could host yourself.
#todoist #rememberthemilk #etherpad #nextcloud #raspberrypi #indieweb