I published this post a little while ago. I'm putting a CW on it. But if anyone does take a look, thank you in advance and I hope you find it interesting.
#blog #blogpost #Animals #animalsthatserve #Remembrace #remembraceday
#remembraceday #remembrace #animalsthatserve #animals #blogpost #blog
Just catching up on highlights of today’s #RemembraceDay service at the Cenotaph in Westminster. I have never noticed before the chalked/numbered marks for the dignatories to lay their wreaths. Is this new or have I just missed it?
Good to share in the services of #RemembraceDay in #Bromley. A bracing afternoon around #DulwichVillage and today’s #TreeOfTheDay
#treeoftheday #DulwichVillage #bromley #remembraceday
Digging into my family history, I found that my Great Grandfather never coming home from the Great War (losing the family breadwinner, sending his eldest out to work early) affected every opportunity and decision in my family from that point on, right up to and including me. War can cast a shadow for generations. It’s not just about faded photos of forgotten soldiers, it’s about the scars you find if you dig below the surface of your family, like craters under grass. #RemembraceDay
Remembrance Sunday in Whitley Bay ~ the gathering at the war memorial this morning was augmented by quite a considerable mod/scooter representation
#spanishcity #whitleybay #remembraceday #RemembranceSunday
If you haven't read our article for #RemembraceDay yet, now would be a good time! It may leave you feeling a bit emotional...
We’ll never know whether Elias died when the city fell or later in Ottoman hands - even though his commanding general had been given the chance to walk his men out as they surrendered provided they marched north away from the front line. We know Elias’s name is in a war memorial near Basra. The ‘noble dead’ on this plaque…smh. Elias’s sister Annie Davies never forgot him, neither did her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. His story deserves to be told. #RemembraceDay
Waiting for the #RemembraceDay service to start. #Kilt #MacKenzieModernTartan
#mackenziemoderntartan #kilt #remembraceday
Commemorating #RemembraceDay with my old regiment (1st Regiment, RAA) yesterday
For #RemembranceDay I have a new post on my website;- While he was truly a hero that fell in WWI (probably hundreds of times) he lived to a ripe old age. Remarkable man.
I am writing another one for tomorrow about a family member who was forgotten until recently.
On #RemembranceSunday itself I will be telling the tale of another brave man who is usually left out of the #RemembraceDay services.
'We will remember them' especially the ones no-one else does!
#RemembranceDay #RemembranceSunday #remembraceday #lestweforget
#lestweforget Keep your eye on the various Bylines today, there may be some interesting and touching articles coming up! #RemembraceDay