“#Notesualidifarfalla” diventa “#Remind Festival” ma non cambia lo scopo benefico VIDEO
#Revival In The #Land | #Man your #Battle_Stations!! | Music Videos | #Carman | Revival In The Land is the first song off of the third disc in The Carman Ultimate Collection. Please #share with someone that #needs to #see_it.
"Sir, remember dont remind the #saints of their #past! "Why is that?!" Sir, they'll #remind YOU of your #future. I love that line so much"
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
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* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
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* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (#International_Tech_News); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#revival #land #man #Battle_Stations #Carman #share #needs #see_it #saints #past #remind #future #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
"Jakie są zasady gry?
(English below)
Nasze media to nie internetowe kółko debatowe ani platforma dla wszelkiego rodzaju idiotów do głoszenia swoich poglądów.
Być może niektórzy zastanawiają się , dlaczego usuwamy niektóre komentarze i blokujemy niektóre osoby z naszych mediów. Sprawa jest prosta. Nasze profile służą do informowania o ważnych dla nas sprawach, toczących się walkach społecznych, przedstawianiu ciekawych analiz z pozycji anarchistycznych (choć nie tylko) i przypominaniu zapomnianych historii ruchu antyfaszystowskiego i antyautorytarnego.
Zdecydowanie NIE jest to miejsce dla wszelkiego rodzaju prawicowych czy skrajnie prawicowych pajaców. Macie swoje własne strony i grupy, gdzie możecie dzielić się swoimi „mądrościami” z dupy. Ani nas one nie interesują, ani nie zamierzamy dawać wam za darmo miejsca do szerzenia swoich głupot.
Zdecydowanie NIE jest to też miejsce dla różnego rodzaju idiotów z lewicy autorytarnej. Mamy dość wszelkiego rodzaju zachodnich „specjalistów” od spraw Europy Wschodniej, powielających kremlowską propagandę i operujących dwubiegunowym modelem świata (Ameryka- źle , wszystko co przeciwko Ameryce-dobrze). Nie mamy zamiaru udostępniać miejsca na wywody jakiś hiszpańskich komunistycznych kretynów czy amerykańskich dzieci z sierpami i młotami na swoich profilach. Wasze poglądy to trucizna, nie stoimy po tej samej stronie i nigdy nie będziemy stali. Nie spotka was tutaj żadne zrozumienie, nie będziemy marnować czasu na jałowe debaty z politycznymi płaskoziemcami. Nie zapraszamy do dyskusji.
Our social #media are not an #internet #debating #club, nor they are a #platform for all sorts of idiots to spread their #ideas.
Maybe some of you wondered why we delete some comments and ban some people from our media. Its very simple. Our profiles are here to inform about things important to us, about #social #struggles, to present interesting analysis from #anarchist (and not only) positions and to #remind forgotten #histories of #antifascist and #antiauthoritarian movement.
It is definitely NOT a place for all sorts of right wing and far right clowns. You have your own pages and #groups, where you can share your „wisdom” pulled out of your ass. We are neither interested, nor we are planning on giving you space to share them for free.
It is also definitely NOT a place for all sorts of authoritarian left idiots. We are fed up with all sorts of Western „specialists” of Eastern Europe, sharing Kremlin's propaganda and operating in two dimensional world (America-bad, everything against America-good). We are not planning on giving space to some Spanish communist idiots or American kids with hammers and sickles in their profiles. Your ideas are a poison, we are not on the same side and we will never be. You will not find any understanding here, we will not waste time on futile debates with political flat earthers. We do not invite you to the discussion."
:antifa_100: :af: :anarchoheart3: :ironfront: :solidarity: :squat: :txt_eff_the_cops: :acab2: :acab: :tankies:
#media #internet #debating #club #platform #ideas #social #struggles #Anarchist #remind #Histories #antifascist #antiauthoritarian #groups
@Armavica If you don't mind some scripting, #remind is awesome. You can find it at , it is well documented, sciptable, interface nicely with many things, and pure text!
Why you should not talk about your accomplishment in public #shorts #accomplishments #remind #success #productivity
#productivity #success #remind #accomplishments #shorts
Remind the police & snarky politicians that being educated is a good thing. Knowing your rights as a citizen is a good thing. Funding public health & education well, are good things. Fair equity, fair pay & fair treatment are good things. Protecting human rights is a good thing.
Public accountability for public paid servants isn't just a good thing - IT'S ESSENTIAL FOR PUBLIC TRUST.
#Remind your local #politicians who funds their paycheques - it's US, the #CITIZENS ✊☝️
#remind #politicians #citizens
An useful article about the use of the `remind` command: A little bit too long, maybe. #remind #unix #linux #cli #commandline
#remind #unix #linux #cli #commandline
There are times when I feel like #StartingOver with my #career is dumb and I won’t be able to do it because I’m too old to do that sort of thing.
Then I #remind myself that I should keep #working until I am at least 70 if I can which is a little over 20 #years from now.
That is 20 years that I can be making a #differences and #enhancing not just my #life but so many others. If I don’t make this effort, I’m not sure I would have the same impact.
So, don’t give up! The future is amazing.
#startingover #career #remind #working #years #differences #enhancing #life
We would like to invite you to participate in a planned celebration to commemorate the rescue of Joshua Glover from a Milwaukee jail on March 18th, 1854.
Mar 18 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Cathedral Square
520 E Wells St, Milwaukee, WI 53202
#resist #remember #remind #Milwaukee #mke
#Revival In The #Land | #Man your #Battle_Stations!! | Music Videos | #Carman | Revival In The Land is the first song off of the third disc in The Carman Ultimate Collection. Please #share with someone that #needs to #see_it.
"Sir, remember dont remind the #saints of their #past! "Why is that?!" Sir, they'll #remind YOU of your #future. I love that line so much"
TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! #SIGN_UP Today for EARLY #INVITE [https:/]; If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending)
http:/ ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) ® (B2B) and/or its Owners ® (Marketplace); are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #revival #land #man #Battle_Stations #Carman #share #needs #see_it #saints #past #remind #future #SIGN_UP #INVITE #JOBS #all #WorldWide #ADVERTISNG
#Revival In The #Land | #Man your #Battle_Stations!! | Music Videos | #Carman | Revival In The Land is the first song off of the third disc in The Carman Ultimate Collection. Please #share with someone that #needs to #see_it.
"Sir, remember dont remind the #saints of their #past! "Why is that?!" Sir, they'll #remind YOU of your #future. I love that line so much"
TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! #SIGN_UP Today for EARLY #INVITE [https:/]; If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending)
http:/ ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) ® (B2B) and/or its Owners ® (Marketplace); are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #revival #land #man #Battle_Stations #Carman #share #needs #see_it #saints #past #remind #future #SIGN_UP #INVITE #JOBS #all #WorldWide #ADVERTISNG
#Revival In The #Land | #Man your #Battle_Stations!! | Music Videos | #Carman | Revival In The Land is the first song off of the third disc in The Carman Ultimate Collection. Please #share with someone that #needs to #see_it.
"Sir, remember dont remind the #saints of their #past! "Why is that?!" Sir, they'll #remind YOU of your #future. I love that line so much"
TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! #SIGN_UP Today for EARLY #INVITE [https:/]; If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending)
http:/ ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) ® (B2B) and/or its Owners ® (Marketplace); are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #revival #land #man #Battle_Stations #Carman #share #needs #see_it #saints #past #remind #future #SIGN_UP #INVITE #JOBS #all #WorldWide #ADVERTISNG
#Revival In The #Land | #Man your #Battle_Stations!! | Music Videos | #Carman | Revival In The Land is the first song off of the third disc in The Carman Ultimate Collection. Please #share with someone that #needs to #see_it.
"Sir, remember dont remind the #saints of their #past! "Why is that?!" Sir, they'll #remind YOU of your #future. I love that line so much"
TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! #SIGN_UP Today for EARLY #INVITE [https:/]; If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending)
http:/ ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) ® (B2B) and/or its Owners ® (Marketplace); are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #revival #land #man #Battle_Stations #Carman #share #needs #see_it #saints #past #remind #future #SIGN_UP #INVITE #JOBS #all #WorldWide #ADVERTISNG
#Revival In The #Land | #Man your #Battle_Stations!! | Music Videos | #Carman | Revival In The Land is the first song off of the third disc in The Carman Ultimate Collection. Please #share with someone that #needs to #see_it.
"Sir, remember dont remind the #saints of their #past! "Why is that?!" Sir, they'll #remind YOU of your #future. I love that line so much"
TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! #SIGN_UP Today for EARLY #INVITE [https:/]; If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending)
http:/ ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) ® (B2B) and/or its Owners ® (Marketplace); are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #revival #land #man #Battle_Stations #Carman #share #needs #see_it #saints #past #remind #future #SIGN_UP #INVITE #JOBS #all #WorldWide #ADVERTISNG
#Revival In The #Land | #Man your #Battle_Stations!! | Music Videos | #Carman | Revival In The Land is the first song off of the third disc in The Carman Ultimate Collection. Please #share with someone that #needs to #see_it.
"Sir, remember dont remind the #saints of their #past! "Why is that?!" Sir, they'll #remind YOU of your #future. I love that line so much"
TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! #SIGN_UP Today for EARLY #INVITE [https:/]; If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending)
http:/ ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) ® (#International_Tech_News) ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
http://Davidv.TV ® (BIGFAITH) ® (B2B) and/or its Owners ® (Marketplace); are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #revival #land #man #Battle_Stations #Carman #share #needs #see_it #saints #past #remind #future #SIGN_UP #INVITE #JOBS #all #WorldWide #ADVERTISNG
#Waiting #CertainThings #Hope #BooksToRead #PeopleWorthGettingToKnow #ReallyGoodSongsToSing #LiitleThings #Fix #Remind #Soul #Journey #LongAndWinding #Road #Life #MorganHarperNichols
#Quote #QuoteOfTheDay
#waiting #certainthings #hope #bookstoread #peopleworthgettingtoknow #reallygoodsongstosing #liitlethings #fix #remind #soul #journey #longandwinding #road #life #morganharpernichols #quote #quoteoftheday
Série sobre bullying e vingança. Porém:
O q foi aquele final? Elas tavam num barco? Como elas desapareciam tão rápido se os cadeados continuavam trancados? Elas morreram? E pq usar aquela música de melodia amigável?
Pues hoy me he pasado el episodio #ReMind de #KingdomHearts3 y... sinceramente, no lo recomiendo para nada. Mira que el juego base no es santo de mi devoción, pero es que lo de este dlc es de traca 🙄 literalmente es la recta final del juego base solo con la hora final distinta y algún que otro boss nuevo, pero con muuucha reutilización y encima con bosses que, si ya de base eran jodidos (en maestro), va y te quitan a Sora para que tengas que controlar a otro personaje preconfigurado... Han sido 4 horas jugadas del tirón y he acabado con dolor de cabeza 😩
Mira que aún con todo lo pillé en oferta, pero lo llego a saber y me lo ahorro
Started watching #AliceInBorderland, and I'm getting major #ReMind and #SquidGame / #HungerGames / #LordOfTheFlies vibes.
I can already tell it's going to make me cry until all that's left of me is a withered husk.
It's amazing.
#lordoftheflies #hungergames #squidgame #remind #AliceInBorderland