From Courthouse News:
Courthouse News
"Actress Leah Remini sued the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday over what she described as 17 years of a sophisticated attack on her life and livelihood."
From Leah Remini regarding her lawsuit:
"Here is the press release for my lawsuit against Scientology and David Miscavige, along with my personal statement.
Thank you for all the support. It means so much.
3:15 PM · Aug 3, 2023"
Addendum to my #Introduction
I am a #MythicalBeast - a fan of #RhettAndLink (that's #RhettMcLaughlin and #LinkNeal ) and #EarBiscuits and #GoodMythicalMorning (AKA #GMM ).
Hoping to meet other #MythicalBeasts here to follow!
#photedited #screenshot with #Remini
Source: #GMM2419
#gmm2419 #remini #screenshot #photedited #mythicalbeasts #GMM #goodmythicalmorning #earbiscuits #linkneal #rhettmclaughlin #rhettandlink #mythicalbeast #Introduction
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: As Danny Masterson Rape Trial Resumes, Leah Remini Infuriates Scientologists Again #Jezebel #scientologycontroversies #newreligiousmovements #religion2cbelief #charlaineolmedo #scientologists #dannymasterson #haleighbriest #scientology #philipcohen #shawnholley #leahremini #law2ccrime #paulhaggis #karinpouw #janedoes #jezebel #remini #actors
#jezebel #scientologycontroversies #newreligiousmovements #religion2cbelief #charlaineolmedo #scientologists #dannymasterson #haleighbriest #scientology #philipcohen #shawnholley #leahremini #law2ccrime #paulhaggis #karinpouw #janedoes #remini #actors
I love what the #Remini app can do to photos. It doesn’t work for all, but it made this picture of my great, great grandpa John Ohlwiler look incredible!
Ooh, Remini have got in on the AI avatar game. Prettified, obvs, with some really Disney princess ones, but I love some of the results. The first one here is positively Medici!
#Remini #avatar #selfie #tiara #crown #brunette #eyecontact
#eyecontact #brunette #crown #tiara #selfie #avatar #remini