Unfortunately, you have to have a Musk acct to vote for me, but nevertheless, I'm pretty happy with my EDM remix for this will I am, lil Wayne remix contest.
I don't expect anyone to be hitting the bird site on my behalf (not sure why they're hanging on to Twitter vote verification), but I like to share the remix nonetheless.
#RemixContest #Remix #MusicProduction #BeatMaking #ElectronicMusic #EDM #NewMusic
#FormulaRemixChallenge #WillIAm #LilWayne
#remixcontest #remix #musicproduction #beatmaking #electronicmusic #edm #newmusic #formularemixchallenge #william #lilwayne
Ein bisschen verfrühtes Tagebuchbloggen, weil später keine Zeit mehr ist. Mit hübschen Fotos und mit Rezo im Faktencheck.
#tagebuchbloggen #rezo #maiLab #naturfotografie #remixcontest
#tagebuchbloggen #rezo #mailab #naturfotografie #remixcontest