Last night's #stream we had our first successful run in #OblivionOverride! Love to Tekktonic for the raid (& the great story time!)
Tonight is Thurs. date night w/ Zaku! That means more #Remnant2 !We go live on #Twitch ~9P CST! See you you Lovelies in the stream 💚
#stream #oblivionoverride #remnant2 #twitch
well, i paused, to go beat FF16 (FINALLY, DEAR GOD, the side quests!), but came back and cleared the first area in Remnant 2 (I had the light/dark fae king dude), and got started in the 2nd :D I’m now in The Labrynth, which is a welcome visual change, although being bowled over by rocks gets old quick ;) #remnant2
##PS5Live #PlayStation5 #Remnant2 #SonyInteractiveEntertainment #紅の豚
#ps5live #playstation5 #remnant2 #sonyinteractiveentertainment #紅の豚
More #Remnant2Jank, a free resurrection in the middle of a difficult boss fight! One possible explanation is that my DoT caused the last bit of damage to trigger "BERSERK", and entering that state caused a rez.
It's also possible that an unused resurrection buff from an earlier "Elixer of Life" had somehow lingered.
#remnant2jank #videogames #gaming #remnant2
Yo anybody into #remnant2 on #playstation out there? I need a Coop Buddy that sucks as much as me to have some fun.
Koska olen kääkkä, pelasin #Remnant2'n ensin läpi helpoimmalla vaikeustasolla. Nyt sitteen uutta kampanjaa tulille pykälää haastavammalla vaikeustasolla. Koska vaikeustasoja on neljä, arvelen hupia riittävän vähintään loppuvuodeksi. Sen jälkeen saattaa aika taas riittää johonkin muuhunkin.
So #Remnant2 has an item that, when worn by multiple players, evenly splits damage and healing. In the context of a co-op #soulslike, this is really transformative. Attacks that would one shot a player instead drop both players to 30%. And if your partner is too busy dodging an aggro boss to heal, you can help her with that from your position of relative safety.
#remnant2 #soulslike #videogames #gaming
Zapraszamy na łączoną recenzję (PC+PS5) Remnant 2 😊
#remnant2 #remnantii #gry #giereczkowo #pograne
Note from the Losomn Bureau of Tourism to residents:
In recent years, we've noticed a marked loss of revenue from tourists. As such, we'd ask residents consider a few changes to their normal behavior towards outsiders.
As much as we all love traditional Losomn greetings, such as: "Get 'em!", "Kill the outsider!", and "Gonna put a bullet in ya!", a gentler approach may be in order. Perhaps "Greet the outsider!" or "Gonna put a nice cuppa tea in ya!".
And as much as our traditional greeting of a large hug after setting yourself on fire may make for a warm welcome, it often proves fatal for both parties.
Perhaps you could humour them, start crying about your wife/daughter, and point them in the direction of a local monster, gibber uncontrollably, find something to sell them., or, failing all else, board yourself up inside quietly until they pass?
Your cooperation on this matter is greatly appreciated.
✨ Dark souls Gott spielt Remnant 2✨
#twitch #twtichDE #Remnant2 #darksouls #soulslike #SupportSmallStreamers
#supportsmallstreamers #soulslike #darksouls #remnant2 #twtichde #twitch
Por fin derroté a la bastarda de la Nightweaver. Cambié al arquetipo Handler, una especie de cazador con su perro, y seguí con el Gunslinger como clase secundaria. También compré varias pipebombs. Lo que siento que al final fue definitivo para ganarle fue el uso del mod Witchfire (daño por fuego) y las Caltrops (hacen lento al enemigo). #Remnant2
So I've played around 60 hours of #Remnant2. I've finished the game once, and cleared ~2.5 adventure zones, and I just now unlocked my first +10 mutator special ability.
It's weird that so much of the rest of the game's systems let you reshape your build on the fly, but this one's super stingy and rigid.
A super fun way to trivialize much of #Remnant2's general exploration and fighting with ads and even elites:
- Twisted Arbalest (the DVD gun)
- Enigma handgun (the electrocution gun I think from the Labyrinth)
- Timewave mutator on Enigma
- Ideally, amulets and rings that boost mod power generation
Tag multiple enemies with Arbalest, pop the mod. They all die.
Tag elites with the electric orb from Arbalest's mod, slows them long enough to nuke them.
Super fun just waltzing through biomes.
Let's play some games!🔥
Join me for an NEW #Remnant2 Gamestream
Update on this #Remnant2 data loss issue: sounds like it might be a long tail bug related to not updating for a while, though I'm usually on top of my Steam updates.
I got it fixed by diving into my Steam folder and swapping a couple profile and .bak files.
Not my favorite thing. But this game still rules, so back in I went. Now armed with some backups.