Microsoft Patch Tuesday, November 2021 Edition - Microsoft Corp. today released updates to quash at least 55 security bugs in its W... #microsoftexchangeserverzero-day #trendmicrozerodayinitiative #remotedesktopprotocol #cve-20213-38631 #latestwarnings #cve-2021-41371 #cve-2021-42292 #cve-2021-42321 #microsoftexcel #recordedfuture #securitytools #dustinchilds #timetopatch #allanliska
#allanliska #timetopatch #dustinchilds #securitytools #recordedfuture #microsoftexcel #latestwarnings #cve #remotedesktopprotocol #trendmicrozerodayinitiative #microsoftexchangeserverzero
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, November 2021 Edition #MicrosoftExchangeServerzero-day #TrendMicroZeroDayInitiative #remotedesktopprotocol #CVE-20213-38631 #LatestWarnings #CVE-2021-41371 #CVE-2021-42292 #CVE-2021-42321 #MicrosoftExcel #RecordedFuture #SecurityTools #DustinChilds #TimetoPatch #AllanLiska
#MicrosoftExchangeServerzero #TrendMicroZeroDayInitiative #remotedesktopprotocol #CVE #LatestWarnings #MicrosoftExcel #RecordedFuture #SecurityTools #DustinChilds #TimetoPatch #AllanLiska
Industrial Cyberattacks Get Rarer but More Complex - The first half of 2020 saw decreases in attacks on most ICS sectors, but oil/gas firms and buildin... #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #mostrecentthreatlists #remotedesktopprotocol #buildingautomation #firsthalf2020 #remoteworking #attackvolume #cyberattacks #workfromhome #ransomware #kaspersky #thereport #covid-19 #malware #worms #iot #gas #oil
#oil #gas #iot #worms #malware #covid #thereport #kaspersky #ransomware #workfromhome #cyberattacks #attackvolume #remoteworking #firsthalf2020 #buildingautomation #remotedesktopprotocol #mostrecentthreatlists #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems
Iran-Linked ‘Newbie’ Hackers Spread Dharma Ransomware Via RDP Ports - The recent Dharma campaign by Iran-linked script kiddies shows that the ransomware is being spread... #remotedesktopprotocol #iranattackers #scriptkiddies #cyberattack #ransomware #malware #dharma #hacks #apt #rdp
#rdp #apt #hacks #dharma #malware #ransomware #cyberattack #scriptkiddies #iranattackers #remotedesktopprotocol
ProLock Ransomware Teams Up With QakBot Trojan to Infect Victims - ProLock is relatively new, but already the ransomware is making waves by using QakBot infections t... more: #remotedesktopprotocol #ransomware #microsoft #malware #prolock #qakbot #trojan #qbot #rdp
#rdp #qbot #trojan #qakbot #prolock #malware #microsoft #ransomware #remotedesktopprotocol
Millions of Brute-Force Attacks Hit Remote Desktop Accounts - Automated attacks on Remote Desktop Protocol accounts are aimed at taking over corporate desktops ... more: #remotedesktopprotocol #bruteforceattacks #desktoptakeover #workingfromhome #cloudsecurity #remoteworking #cyberattacks #websecurity #kaspersky #microsoft #passwords #security #hacks #spike #rdp
#rdp #spike #hacks #security #passwords #microsoft #kaspersky #websecurity #cyberattacks #remoteworking #cloudsecurity #workingfromhome #desktoptakeover #bruteforceattacks #remotedesktopprotocol
Microsoft Patch Tuesday — Feb. 2020: Vulnerability disclosures and Snort coverage - By Jon Munshaw.Microsoft released its monthly security update today, disclosing vulnerabilities acro... more: #microsoftsecurityupdate #microsoftpatchtuesday #remotedesktopprotocol #microsoftpatches #microsoftupdates #windowskernel #rdp
#rdp #windowskernel #microsoftupdates #microsoftpatches #remotedesktopprotocol #microsoftpatchtuesday #microsoftsecurityupdate
ThreatList: Ransomware Costs Double in Q4, Sodinokibi Dominates - Ransomware actors are turning their sights on larger enterprises, making both average cost and dow... more: #mostrecentthreatlists #remotedesktopprotocol #ransomwareasaservice #emailphishing #paytheransom #ransomware #sodinokibi #malware #ransom #ryuk #msp
#msp #ryuk #ransom #malware #sodinokibi #ransomware #paytheransom #emailphishing #ransomwareasaservice #remotedesktopprotocol #mostrecentthreatlists