FunHouse Radio · @funhouseradio
88 followers · 834 posts · Server
Daniel Retana · @DannyBoy
10 followers · 137 posts · Server

: I prefer a with a bunch of than a one.

Probably that's the reason that I love to use my and . Then I get piss off when I got to a or house and I gotta use one of those .

I'm not too much , but dear lord have mercy of my each time that I gonna use a minimalistic remote.

#unpopularopinion #remote #control #buttons #minimalistic #panasonic #sony #tv #relatives #friends #samsung #remotes #religious #soul #television #crappydesign #assholedesign #annoying #minimalism #remotecontrol #userexperience

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Hunt · @wx1g
118 followers · 683 posts · Server

Does anyone know about the of the radio client, featured on it looks very old. Is it still maintained? I want to give remotes a try. Can anyone suggest other options? I have a machine with Windows 11 Home Edition. How about or options?

#remotes #remoteradios #hamradio #hamr #linux #gnu #ios #accessibility

Last updated 2 years ago

Annika Backstrom · @annika
2194 followers · 10712 posts · Server

@BrianEnigma A large portion of the chatter in the channel at work revolves around avoiding the new USB-C MacBooks during the upgrade cycle.


Last updated 6 years ago