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‘Holy grail’ wheat gene discovery could feed our overheated world theguardian.com/environment/20

This article is interesting as a wheat grower, farmer, and scared human due to . I can see the rationale for the research (however the headline needs some qualification as explained very well by academic.oup.com/plphys/articl) as there's a very good chance we’ll need the thinking behind it, but as a farmer I know the current limiting factor for any ag production is water, so doesn’t matter how good the heat tolerance is - all things need water to grow.

The article mentions drought tolerance and that would be a great tool in any wheat variety but, again, production is a factor of water availability - less water less production. So for me the ‘holy grail’ is the old maxim “when you find yourself in a hole first thing is to stop digging” - - this research is a great back up plan but collectively we haven’t truly committed to the main plan to .

Given the inertia in the climate system even will not be enough and to keep a stable and secure food production system we will need to - and that takes decades/centuries! 1/2

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Last updated 2 years ago