Debo decir que #RenaiFlops me sorprendió. Empieza como un ecchi cualquiera, luego se vuelve un misterio tipo Lost, pasa a un drama que involucra un amor que no se dio por fallecimiento y el final es un final bueno que obtienes en Detroit Become Human.
I totally didn't expect to cry on this kind of anime 😭😭😭
Ok, I didn't expect this kind of plot twist :O
Lol I got @Jason_Gamedev to give the #RenaiFlops #anime another shot, and we ended up marathoning episodes 7-9. #LoveFlops
How come I did not expect it hahhahaha
#renaiflops #loveflops #anime #ecchi
@Anyacrypha reminds me of the banana in episode 1.
Hope you keep up with it, episodes 7/8 are quite a trip.
The magical girl's bunny mascot character, who ends all sentences with -rubber instead of -pyon, introduces themselves as (name that is shared with several Japanese condom brands) and says they're from the "Contraceptimension", brought to Earth to fight against the evil mech "Ball Takers". And yes, their necklace is a little wrapped condom, and even their bunny ears look sus.
We find out one of the transfer students is the magical girl, and she needs the MC to touch her boobs to charge up her magical power! :cringe: Kill me.
We find out that alien ships have landed on earth, the mechs come back again to attack their classroom, his friend is hit with a ray that attaches a chastity belt to him, which then explodes. The MC is horrified to find out that his friend is now missing his dick and balls (why did he immediately check for that)?
Case in point, this episode starts the *first minute* with the MC reading a news article about cows discovered with genital mutilation, right before he is targeted by a sus flying mech that is targeting his schlong while shouting "Neuter!". He is saved by a mysterious magical girl, who shoots down the mech while shouting "Erection Up!". Keep in mind up until now neither mechs nor magical girls were a part of this series' plot.
First, although like most #ecchi comedies this series relies on a bunch of overused tropes, there's enough surprise twists to keep things interesting and keep me watching, cringe and mental damage aside.
Forcing myself to watch the most painful #ecchi of the season, #RenaiFlops. Somehow made it past ep 4, but ep 6 is proving to be the biggest challenge for my sanity yet.
Live tooting while I watch this, so you don't have to. (Spoilers and screenshots incoming, this series is rated R/18+)
So I'm finally on an instance with v4. This means I can now follow hashtags!
To populate my feed, here's the #Fall22Anime I'm keeping up with this season, as of now.
Up to date:
Not up to date since I'm watching w/ friends:
#SpyXFamily S2
#DIYアニメ #DoItYourself
Not up to date since I might drop:
#fall22anime #chainsawman #eminenceofshadow #bocchitherock #isekaiojisan #spyxfamily #diyアニメ #doityourself #renaiflops #beasttamer
[Anime] El #anime de Renai Flops se estrenará el 12 de octubre en Japón
#Passione #RenaiFlops #TemporadaAnimeOtoño2022
#anime #passione #renaiflops #temporadaanimeotono2022