Definitely playing through some #RenataScotto recordings tonight in her memory. A reminder that her memoir was titled *More Than a Diva* -- yes!
One of the joys of #Opera in the digital age comes from the number of unreleased or limited release recordings that make their way on to Youtube. So I am not only enjoying recordings I've cherished of hers for a while, but also some new-to-me stuff.
Here is Scotto doing "L'Absence" from #Berlioz *Les nuits d'été* live in 1993, a cycle that I don't believe she ever recorded (but I could be wrong):
Although I've cued up "L'Absence" for the link - a personal favorite - she sings the entire cycle there. I might add some other finds to this thread in coming days.
Voce sublime, artista straordinaria. Qui nell'aria "O mio babbino caro" del Gianni Schicchi di Puccini. Addio a #RenataScotto
La cantante Renata Scotto è tristemente scomparsa| Rivelata la causa della sua morte 😭🕊️
#16agosto #renatascottoè-tristemente-scomparsa-Rivelata-la-causa-della-sua-morte-08-16
Addio Renata!
#renatascotto #scotto #opera #classicalmusic #diva #legend
#legend #diva #classicalmusic #opera #scotto #renatascotto
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #PrivatePassions
Giacomo Puccini, Renata Scotto, The Rome Opera Orchestra & John Barbirolli:
🎵 Un bel di... (Madame Butterfly)
#GiacomoPuccini #RenataScotto #TheRomeOperaOrchestra #JohnBarbirolli
#nowplaying #PrivatePassions #GiacomoPuccini #renatascotto #theromeoperaorchestra #JohnBarbirolli #BBC3MusicBot