RT @foleyjerry3jf@twitter.com
@LGalloway77@twitter.com Ps.
Have a Great Thursday Lindsay & Everyone
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/foleyjerry3jf/status/1603298088487161857
#CorruptToriesOut #toriesout161 #sunakout52 #torycostofgreedcrisis #corporategreed #renationaliseenergy #renationaliseutilities #renationaliseournhs #saveournhs #solidarityrcn #FairPayForNursing #SupportTheStrikes #FairPayForAll
@endfuelpoverty people querying estimated bills, disabled people, single parents and the elderly are having their homes broken into by energy firms (with the sly approval of the state) and are then forced to pay more for their energy or in effect cut themselves off by not paying. This is obscene. We already know that close to 10,000 people die on average from living in cold homes every winter...this inhuman behaviour will only make the situation worse.